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help with impossible level

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  • help with impossible level

    I can beat hard with almost any starting setup of planets and other race locations. However with Impossible, I have not won in a long time.

    What custom races do you have the most success with on the Impossible level? I've read some others but I find they don't work so hot.

    Note I usually have "creative" and rush to the research lab, then pick up hydroponic to move one farmer to science. Then rush to automated factory. Then straight to soil enrichment. All this with a heavy research tilted race.

    low grav, artifacts, spying penalty, dictator, creative... you get the picture.

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2

    So either it was bumped or I'm blind. I'm reading the custom race thread now. Sorry for not searching first.


    • #3
      That is a setup that can be won with, but it is noteasy if you get a tough start. It is better to go with a non creative race until yo get the feel of impossible levels.


      • #4
        Xoham, some where on this board, I put a detailed log for a game played at impossible level for the first 100 turns or so and then a log of steps not quite as detail for the next 100 or so. It includes moving pop around and all moves. I may be confused, but I thing it was for a game posted by Garth Vader. I have ben playing Civ3 and Heroes and a few Moo1 games the last 2 months, so I am over due for Moo2 game. The step up from Hard to Impossible takes some getting use to. The thread you are looking at of races has a lot of info on some that will work. In the end, you can win with most any, but some are much harder than others. I would suggest looking at the non creative races and the choices to make as you go up the tech tree. Those extra picks can mean a lot. Watch out for spies as they do not tend to make an impact in games I play below IMP level, but the AI will be all over you here, unless you build a few early. It may help to play a large or huge map for a 150-200 turns to see what you can expect.


        • #5
          Xoham, I found the thread, it is called MIRV Missile Attack? Some where around page 3 is a detail run on impossible level. There is another less detail run by GV and saves to go along with it.


          • #6
            With my new race picks, I don't really need a whole lot of help.

            There was a race that someone described as "the most production you can get". Using this one, it was hardly a contest. The Antarans beat the stuffing out of me until late game though, and attacked fairly often. This is mostly due to not being creative and not having the needed planetary defenses. Well, and not having a sufficient fleet in the right place at the right time too.

            Even spying like crazy I still never got cloning and a few other good ones. I actually reached the limit of defensive spies (63 I believe) and for some races, the limit on offensive spies.

            With so much production, and not enough things to spend it on, I had a huge navy, legions of spies, and swarms of troop transports. My enemies rarely had much of a navy. It seemed they didn't want to bother since they knew they couldn't win.


            • #7
              spoke too soon

              Ok so... it is still fairly difficult to win even with my production race:

              +1 Inudstry
              Large Homeworld

              - Ship defense
              -Ground combat

              If find that the early enemy fleets still kick my ass. I suspect they are stealing my tech but I don't see the messages for that. Also, as soon as I make contact with anyone, I crank out around 10 spies. Think I should do more and sooner? My other thought is that they are trading techs but Silicoids shouldnt be able to do that. Lastly, they might be researching only combat techs. I tend to diversify.

              Could use some more help here.


              • #8
                First off, don't believe all the talk about people whipping the AI on impossible 95% of the time. Impossible is not easy, that is why they call it impossible. Most of the talk centers around pre 1.31 versions were it was much easier. The AI would surrender whole systems at the drop of a hat.
                Second is repulsive means no trades or even demanding. This hurts as one trick is to build a better fleet than some civ and go around and demand tribute.
                Anatarians are no sweat, even for non creative races. At impossible they will not come for you the first few times as you are weak. When they start coming, you should have a star base and handle them. Sometimes you will need a small fleet to aid. I will usually have warp indicators up to give me time to react.
                The ship to ship battles are either they are way out in front on tech or your design and tactic is not what it needs to be. If it is tech, you may be able to change your choices to compensate, if it is that they are just too far ahead, you are toast. If it design/tactics post a save and we can see what can be done if anything.


                • #9
                  I forgot the spy part. If you do not see a msg, then they did not steal from you, the info box shows what they have. Non creative races can get by with less defensive spying as they have little to steal early on. I make one in my first lull after I have made my scout and colony bases and the like and ship are in the 50+ turn range. Once I get the 900 rp spy boost, I will look to steal tech or sabatage. Exception would be a tele race, which can make the cruiser and blow up the star base (they do not have many structures) and capture the planet.


                  • #10
                    I forgot to mention that I cannot find the Mirv Missle Base thread. Is it possible to post a link to that thread? I find that the search engine leaves a lot to be desired...



                    • #11
                      Did you use the selection to see the whole year?


                      • #12
                        Ok, I gave it a bump and it should be on the top of the list. Start about the third page.


                        • #13
                          Yes I told it to search through all entries regardless of time. And I told it to search the entire message. Thanks for the bump.


                          • #14
                            Cool, give us a post.

