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Question about QS forums.

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  • Question about QS forums.

    Who else here hates the QS forums because the large amounts of idiots and ignorant people that only accept their opinion as true post there? (Citizen Kaine comes to mind....)
    ~~ Anubis

  • #2
    I'd be careful throwing epithets like that around, Anubis. Might reflect badly on yourself, you know. Still, there seems to be an inordinate amount of trolls and in-duh-viduals who have, ah, already made up thier minds about just about everything there, that's true. Their chaotic message board organization sure doesn't help either.
    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


    • #3
      Re: Question about QS forums.

      Originally posted by AnubisWoD
      Who else here hates the QS forums because the large amounts of idiots and ignorant people that only accept their opinion as true post there? (Citizen Kaine comes to mind....)
      Other issues aside, I have to question anyone who thinks Cane is "ignorant", i.e. uninformed. He knows as much as anyone else without an NDA-required level of access about the game. He also happens to have the most posts on the forum, which says something about the amount of attention he pays to the forum and by implication the game itself (and possibly the lack of other things to do in his free time! ).

      The Delphi Forum is suffering from a lack of game-related things to talk about, or perhaps I should say, NEW things to talk about. While I don't like some of the results (especially given the extra effort it places on us moderators), its hardly something that surprises me, either, given the circumstances.


      • #4
        Re: Re: Question about QS forums.

        Originally posted by Xentax

        Other issues aside, I have to question anyone who thinks Cane is "ignorant", i.e. uninformed. He knows as much as anyone else without an NDA-required level of access about the game. He also happens to have the most posts on the forum, which says something about the amount of attention he pays to the forum and by implication the game itself (and possibly the lack of other things to do in his free time! ).

        The Delphi Forum is suffering from a lack of game-related things to talk about, or perhaps I should say, NEW things to talk about. While I don't like some of the results (especially given the extra effort it places on us moderators), its hardly something that surprises me, either, given the circumstances.
        Well I was using ignorant in the way it is not supposed to be used which means ignorant in the way to others opinions and thoughts.
        ~~ Anubis


        • #5
          Originally posted by moominparatrooper
          I'd be careful throwing epithets like that around, Anubis. Might reflect badly on yourself, you know. Still, there seems to be an inordinate amount of trolls and in-duh-viduals who have, ah, already made up thier minds about just about everything there, that's true. Their chaotic message board organization sure doesn't help either.
          Yes, well I know that is definately true. I got tired of argueing with certain partys on the Delphi forums so the only contribution I made to the game before I left was about 20 event ideas that I talked with emerich about. But besides that I said they should remove IFPs before and have the system they have now (AU) I was attacked by quite a few people in a less than acceptable way. Also when I questioned RTS combat before they gave information about it. Like when cain said that in TBS "He who goes first wins" when I told him about things that would solve that problem it only got worse so I did not see the point in giving suggestions on a fixed crowd. Seemed like the forums were dominated by it seemed only the people who accepted what emerich and the others stated they were going to do even though some (sometimes the majority) were in the other direction. The only ideas that would be accepted were things that did not deal with the core of how the game played. (research diplomacy events) I was frusterating to deal with the "We say we are doing things your way but most things will be done our way" attitude. BUT that is the best way to do it because they can explain how they want to handle these things to eachother better than the people on the forums which then starts arguements from the idea of giving people more information which results in them wanting (and needing if they want to suggest) more. And when it is not done it leads to even more arguements and EXTREMELY long topics with over 100 posts which take forever to read. Which is extremely annoying. However with the many things the company was fixed on (IFPs it seemed RTS combat Races) there were more things they were willing to listen to. They SHOULD have stated that they will no longer need any ideas for those things and removed the forums to them and have a "Completed Game" forum in which they tell what is happening for people to read and they should restate on the main website what they are taking ideas on so n00bs to the forum dont go there and make for example suggestions for races. (that was a long sentence) And that would help people who dont have time to read the forum constantly. They are USUALLY not clear on that. Sometimes they need an idea on a certain subject and they will ask in the forums but they should on the site list everything they are willing to take suggestions on and list them in order of either how completed they are and importance and have a link from them to what they currently have for it. Of COURSE this would take forever and no sane person would do it. That would probably have to be a compilation from design notes and suggestions on the forums. Which means a forum junky (or a few of them) would have to make it.

          Wow I never planned about typing about nothing for this long. It is also funny on how off topic and of little importance this entire post is. Almost as if I am argueing against myself, lol.
          ~~ Anubis


          • #6
            Re: Re: Question about QS forums.

            Originally posted by Xentax
            The Delphi Forum is suffering from a lack of game-related things to talk about, or perhaps I should say, NEW things to talk about. While I don't like some of the results (especially given the extra effort it places on us moderators), its hardly something that surprises me, either, given the circumstances.
            Yeah, the silence after the recent quakes over there is deafening... Has anything new been reported since Emrich got the boot?
            "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
            "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


            • #7
              Re: Re: Re: Question about QS forums.

              Originally posted by moominparatrooper

              Yeah, the silence after the recent quakes over there is deafening... Has anything new been reported since Emrich got the boot?
              Only thing I have heard is that he is going to "consult" on the game, as Chris Roberts is consulting on Freespace. Probably means they are only using him for information that they need him for. The actual plan is probably for someone else (Infogrames maybe or possibly someone from QS)
              ~~ Anubis


              • #8
                Re: Re: Re: Question about QS forums.

                Originally posted by AnubisWoD

                Well I was using ignorant in the way it is not supposed to be used which means ignorant in the way to others opinions and thoughts.
                Ahh, you meant "close minded" perhaps?


                • #9
                  Re: Re: Re: Re: Question about QS forums.

                  Originally posted by Xentax

                  Ahh, you meant "close minded" perhaps?
                  yes exactly.
                  ~~ Anubis


                  • #10
                    Perhaps tomorrow will prove to be a treasure-trove of new exciting info 'bout Moo3. This is the game I REALLY don't want to see them drop the ball on.
                    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
                    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.

