After I completed my final exams in school I'll write a MoO2 build order calculator, i.e. how fast certain (custom) races are and what you have to build to reach a certain goal (a tech, max-pop, victory etc.).
Does anyone know how population growth is calculated in MoO2?
I did try to figure it out myself but I failed... It's either no algorithm behind it (just a data for every pop/maxpop constellation) or very complex :P
Well... I *roughly* figured out how standard growth rates are calculated: x * (maxpop - x) * constant factor ...
And what is the connection between production and maxpop when you produce housing?
Well... I could just gather all data by settling on every different kind of planet... but an algorithm would be nice.
Tell me, if you have an idea!
After I completed my final exams in school I'll write a MoO2 build order calculator, i.e. how fast certain (custom) races are and what you have to build to reach a certain goal (a tech, max-pop, victory etc.).
Does anyone know how population growth is calculated in MoO2?
I did try to figure it out myself but I failed... It's either no algorithm behind it (just a data for every pop/maxpop constellation) or very complex :P
Well... I *roughly* figured out how standard growth rates are calculated: x * (maxpop - x) * constant factor ...
And what is the connection between production and maxpop when you produce housing?
Well... I could just gather all data by settling on every different kind of planet... but an algorithm would be nice.
Tell me, if you have an idea!
