I have always found that when playing a game that contains "research" after about the 10th time you have your research path nailed down and you play that way for each and every game. I was wondering what people thought about randomizing research. By that i mean at each level you research you normally get 3 techs.. Why not make it so you get 3 random techs out of a possible of 4. An example would be "fusion Tech"
The possible ones are.
fusion drive
fusion cannon
fusion hand rifle
fusion point defence cannons.
Now if someone researchs fusion tech 1 , they get a random 3 out of 4 techs.
The possible ones are.
fusion drive
fusion cannon
fusion hand rifle
fusion point defence cannons.
Now if someone researchs fusion tech 1 , they get a random 3 out of 4 techs.