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Mysterious Crashings...

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  • Mysterious Crashings...

    For Moo2. I have played serveral games now and I have been running into the same problem over and over. I'd crash while retreating from combat.

    Seems that if you retreat from the left most grid column in tactical combat (at least on my 2 win98 systems) you'll crash to desktop everytime. III haven't gone too far out of my way to test this, but it seems pretty consistent.

    Well its an easy enough work around ( just don't retreat back there) but it was SUPER annoying for several play sessions for me.

    For those that are wondering just what on earth I was doing back there anyway... I was using mass frigates to lauch MRV nukes at my early opponents and I was running from the missles/fighters coming at me. Just trying to buy enough time until the starbase/ship/missle bass ate its volley of missles.

  • #2
    Over the years I have seen abends on Moo2 during combat, it happens less one some systems. I have not seen it on my current rig, that I have been runnng for some time (P4 1.7g 256mb geforce 3), I had it on my backup (amd 900 128mb geforce 2), both run Win98 SE. I first started seening on PIII 733, these were bought as soon as they came, so it was around 2 yrs ago.


    • #3
      I've never had any problems retreating (although I don't do it too often ) but on a number of occasions my machine crashes to desktop when I first fire on a planet during a combat round. This is generally with a plasma gun and said planet has some form of shielding.
      In many cases this seems repeatable if I do the same thing upon restarting, but it goes away if I put off my assault on that particular planet for a turn or so.
      Annoying but not game-breaking...

