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feature request

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  • #16
    Playing a strategy game without diligently pursuing the manual, are we? Naugthy, naugthy. Your face is not the only part of your anatomy that ought to be red, if there was any justice in the world.

    That wasn't my worst offense like this. When playing the first Panzer General both me and my friend failed to find out how to upgrade our forces in between missions. We only knew how to upgrade at a city during missions. We still finished the game, but that was pretty stupid. I guess I have a reading comprehension problem because I could swear we looked through the manual on that too!
    Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.


    • #17
      Creature features

      Actually Civ CTP implemented the file management rather poorly, but at least they tried.

      But this type of thing should be a standard feature of professional games.

      As for MOO3, it would be nice to be able to build some new and interesting things that are scalable in solar systems, such as:

      1 Build planets and artifacts even if there is not a habitable planet or 'empty'.
      2 Space colonies (aka Babylon 5, L5 concepts)
      3 Dyson Sphere
      4 Stelar convert the star or burn any planet.
      5 Genisis convert a system
      6 Build Monolith (Hyper advance a new species)
      7 Pocket Dimension (an out of the way place to stash your goodies)
      8 etc, I don't know what else, but space should be interesting with always something new to build or upgrade.
      9 Non Linear, custom Terraform (Moo2 terraform is only one way).
      10 Space mines (the kind that blowup)
      11 Doomsday machines, ameboids, and crystals. Other fun critters.
      12 Star generation, black holes (drop one in someones system and watch the fun)
      13 Customize planatary defenses (all you can afford)

      Please keep the Death Star/Beserker class super ship, but make em more expensive so they don't become a commodity.

      PLEASE down grade the beam weapons so that strategy and ship building become important again.


      • #18
        13 responses...

        1 Where would the construction material come from in an empty system?
        2 Space Colonies sound like a good idea, but they should have some base of operations... or perhaps a totally movable colony as in Isaac Asimov's "Nemesis" would be fun.
        3 How about a ringworld too
        4 trigger happy, are you?
        5 You can only genesis convert a single planet, and star trek never really developed the science behind that concept.
        6 I am unsure what exactly you mean by this point. Uplift them, or give them your technology?
        7 A pocket dimension would be essentially 'off the map' and able to appear anywhere, right? If so, then think of your reserves already existing in such a place!
        8 etc??
        9 I hope that they do retool terraforming.
        10 Space Mines would be nice!
        11 Amoebas and Crystals were in MOO2...
        12 Once again, where does the material come from?
        13 This has already been officially announced.
        "God does not play dice." - Albert Einstein.
        "Einstein was wrong. Not only does God play dice, but the dice are loaded!" - Erwin Schroedinger


        • #19
          New stuff

          1] There really isn't such a thing as an empty system, there's always a lot of junk around in any system. What I really meant was to be able to convert gas worlds and astroid belts in systems without a habited planet.

          2] A moveable one, a prepackaged one or even a living one, as in Varley's wizard-deamon trilogy.

          3] yes, how could I have forgotton.

          4] not really, but it's only logical that one could. And you could do a border of scorched 'earth' systems to isolate you from expansionist critters.

          5] What science, that was Hollywood. But it's still a cool idea. Actually he genisis converted a nebula into a planet.

          6] Inspire to sentience, ie, create a new species and push em. There should be some victory points for doing weird stuff like that.

          7] someting like that.

          8] I can't think of everything.

          9] The game needs lots of fun things to do. worst part of moo2 is boring planets.

          10] -

          11] Yes, but you couldn't make them. Also they quickly became target practice instead of a terror. What if you could make your own critters?

          12] Space isn't empty. Or just create the matter.

          13] Nice to get some good news.


          • #20

            Actually, mining colonies on asteroids and gas giants would make them valuable.


            • #21
              Tibanna Gas?

              Bespin was one of the most valuable worlds in Star Wars. Fortunately, it has already been said that gas giants are to be colonizable (they just won't be very habitable for humans). Other races might love them though. One of the races even has a gas giant as a homeworld!
              "God does not play dice." - Albert Einstein.
              "Einstein was wrong. Not only does God play dice, but the dice are loaded!" - Erwin Schroedinger


              • #22
                Playing a gas giant race has some advantages.
                While other races are in direct competition about colonizing rocky planets, you can quietly expand and install bases in numerous systems, without being viewed as an opponent. You can ally with a terrestrial races and share systems between you two.

                And gas giants are...giants! Thus, you'll perhaps get less planets, but they'll be big (allowing for building bigger spacecraft, if I undestood well).
                From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned whale!

