I have been showing a friend of mine how to play the game and he wanted to know how to get a good score (after he told me his and I laughed). So I said the best way was to play on Easy level with Med size. 8 players and Organic rich. Then I tested it with a custom species and ran a 9468. I had to sit till turn 288 to get the pop maxed out. The key is using Sub trait to have double pop size for planets class. Now you could do better by going with Tolerant and Sub, I am too lasy to play that now, but may try in a few weeks.
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MOO2 Scores
OK played Easy, Med size, Organic, 8 players, adv tech. Used only Sub as a positive pick and max negitive picks so left 14 picks, bonus 240% before the evolution mutation. That yields 280%. This was tricky to play as you have to be careful of research selection and very early battles. Oh Antarans On. I worked hard and eliminated the max of 6 players, need one left. Had to wait till turn 302 to get all pop housed. Final total 13910. This is no cheating and 1.31 version. I had not played any easy games in years, but you get no bonus for high levels to the score.
I played impossible, huge, 8 players, custom race (with no creative) and max negative pics, version 1.31 and achieved close to that: 11974. I put my HOF screenshot up here (I don't know why the colors came out all funky, but you can still see it.)
Vmxa you mentioned no cheating... how does one cheat anyway, are you talking about using an editor? Isn't playing on easy level kind of cheating?
Yeah that is what I meant. I played hard normally, but I was showing the game to a friend and started him at easy. He got interested in the score so I ran a few to see what I could do, normally I do not pay any attention. I no longer play on larger maps as they take too much time. You can use cheat codes as well, but if you do it will not show up in the HOF. In terms of winning, the only level that is not a gimme is Impossible. I rarely play Impossible at MOO or MOO2 as it is too much work. Once in a while just to prove to myself that it is not fun, but can be done.
Yeah you're right, it takes way too long on Huge galaxy. Plus by the time you finally come into conflict with the other races, they all have fleets of like 500 ships each and the battles take FOREVER. I'm looking forward to seeing how MOO3 changes the flavor of the game in that aspect.