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A question for Alan Emrich and Stormhound

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  • A question for Alan Emrich and Stormhound

    Sorry is this has been said before but I can not find it anywhere.

    What is Alan Emrich and Stormhound (are they different people or the same? I am not shure.) opinion of the release quality of Civ3?

    I would like to see thier comment to get a feeling how MOO3 will come out like. If the answer is that they like it then we know we can expect and not up to date on MOO3 product.

    I have read somewhere where Alan Emrich said something but I cant find it anywhere now. I believe MOO3 will rock but would just like to know what thier opnion is. If you cant say anything because of working with Infogrames please just say "no comment " and I can understand you cant say nothing bad about anthour product of their.

    Or you can say how things are diffrent. I am really looking forward to MOO3 and dont want to see what happened with CTP, CTP2 and CivIII.

    Thanks for your time.


  • #2
    Alan's definitely not me. Alan's the lead designer; I'm another designer who was brought into the project in late 2000 to help flesh out details.

    Since Alan and Floyd Grubb and Tom Hughes and I are the designers, I can say that so far we like what we're doing, and we think it's going to rock the TBS world. If you want to know more about what's in the game, check out The Official MOO3 Website and feast on the info there. If you're still hungry, then there's the Delphi Discussion and Design Forum which is crammed with even more info (look for the Data Dumps folder, especially).

    We don't want to see what happened with CTP either (I hope you can understand that my comments about Civ3 are going to be few and far between, since we have the same publisher).
    If I'd known then what I know now, I'd never have done all the stuff that led me to what I know now...

    Former member, MOO3 Road, Crew


    • #3
      Nice to meet you Stormhound. Yes I can understand why you can't say anything and I check the MOO3 site everyday to see if anything else is new. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much data there that I don't have much time to check it all out.

      From what I see I can't wait. Excellent job so far. Catch you later.


