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MOO3 Race details?

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  • MOO3 Race details?

    I will admit I haven't delved too deeply into the MOO3 forums on the MOO3 site, so maybe the answer to my question is already there.

    What I am wondering is if any real solid details about the various races have been posted, other than the offical Race/Species list? I mean do we know any stats or special abilities or anything?

    If not, do we have any hope that Quicksilver will start doing something like a "Race of the Week" feature?

    I know its probably a bit early, and as Firaxis has just shown with their change to the Civ abilities distribution, these things aren't final until the game goes gold, but it would still be nice to get some sort of hints.

  • #2
    I don't think they have said much on their site. However maybe in their forums(?).

    A race of the week would be a cool thing as release aproaches.
    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


    • #3
      I have read most of it. ( Well, only read since I discuss it here at Apolyton, I want to keep some time for playing! so I'm not really digging into their forums ). However they compile the QSI posts where you can find useful answers from Alan Emrich and Stormhound, but as for the races complete background, not before Christmas I guess. For now, we have the race picks -
      The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


      • #4
        Thank you for that link Marcus.

        That is at least some of the information I was curious about. It would still be nice for Quicksilver to run a "Race of the Week" type series on their website though.


        • #5
          Bleyn they will probably do something similar to that but after Christmas. The game is not due out until January or February and so they can wait for a few months before they do it.
          About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


          • #6
            It'll be interesting to see what they come up with. . .

