well, not much activity in the Moo forums ( aside Urban Ranger's project ). Civ3 is monopolizing a lot of attention, but there's still a much more rate of posts elsewhere about MoO3 especially orbiting the official site. Why not discussing it here???
Even if not updated since a month, at http://moo3.quicksilver.com/official/index.html you'll find of course tons of info to be read again . Believe me having the patience to trim all the data in there is worth awhile: do you really corner the ambitious Religion system ( that Ethos thing )? How is it going to work with all the rest? Then the Data Dumps, the QSI posts ( part One especially where you find the most precise answers ). As things are going right now, it seems to be the deepest game developed and even if you macromanage a lot and let the AI do the job ( supposing it will be adapted enough ), you really have to know what is to be done or not , and why, and in what order ...
The learning curve is gonna be very extensive, and I wouldn't be surprised if Civ3 's only a warm-up. Be prepared.
Any thoughts???
Even if not updated since a month, at http://moo3.quicksilver.com/official/index.html you'll find of course tons of info to be read again . Believe me having the patience to trim all the data in there is worth awhile: do you really corner the ambitious Religion system ( that Ethos thing )? How is it going to work with all the rest? Then the Data Dumps, the QSI posts ( part One especially where you find the most precise answers ). As things are going right now, it seems to be the deepest game developed and even if you macromanage a lot and let the AI do the job ( supposing it will be adapted enough ), you really have to know what is to be done or not , and why, and in what order ...
The learning curve is gonna be very extensive, and I wouldn't be surprised if Civ3 's only a warm-up. Be prepared.
Any thoughts???