Dear Moo2-ers,
Same old Story, all Mouth and no Trousers.
Let's make a Gnu Moo ! Everyone had a lot to say, but nothing
is ever done. I reviewed the two sites mentioned. and
They have got nowhere compared to the "Universe" Moo Gnu.
Wassat? I hear you say. Find out for for yourself. But Universe made me give up my Moo2 Project. I spent six months teaching myself VB6 from scratch, got the stars evenly Distributed and Evenly Populated with planets. I'll be happy to share my VB 6 program with you so you can see what really can be done by 1 man who has a passion for a Moo2 Clone.
One thing that moo-gnu projects are not short on is ideas, I might suggest a little less gabber and a little more action next time.
The other titbit that might inertest you guys is the Fans 1.32 Patch ! Tech RPs have changed, New racepicks values, Modified AIs. Ship Armour and Structure Hit-point changes and a few other bits and bobs. These guys have actually release a 1.32 Beta ! Not sat on their hands since August 2001 like you guys.
Only Serious Moo2-ers Need Apply.
If you can't crush the AI on Impossible by turn 200 in a medium or large galaxy, Don't even THINK about replying to me.
Same old Story, all Mouth and no Trousers.
Let's make a Gnu Moo ! Everyone had a lot to say, but nothing
is ever done. I reviewed the two sites mentioned. and
They have got nowhere compared to the "Universe" Moo Gnu.
Wassat? I hear you say. Find out for for yourself. But Universe made me give up my Moo2 Project. I spent six months teaching myself VB6 from scratch, got the stars evenly Distributed and Evenly Populated with planets. I'll be happy to share my VB 6 program with you so you can see what really can be done by 1 man who has a passion for a Moo2 Clone.
One thing that moo-gnu projects are not short on is ideas, I might suggest a little less gabber and a little more action next time.
The other titbit that might inertest you guys is the Fans 1.32 Patch ! Tech RPs have changed, New racepicks values, Modified AIs. Ship Armour and Structure Hit-point changes and a few other bits and bobs. These guys have actually release a 1.32 Beta ! Not sat on their hands since August 2001 like you guys.
Only Serious Moo2-ers Need Apply.

If you can't crush the AI on Impossible by turn 200 in a medium or large galaxy, Don't even THINK about replying to me.