Some time a go, I begining write software package for editing data of the game Master of Orion 2 (MoO2). The package is named "MoO2 Workshop" and is intended for viewing and editing of the game data. Besides, I have decided to publish data file formats of the game (up to this moment, the majority developers of similar programms hid this information). By current moment I have completed the first programm "LBX Editor" and Help. Has analyzed and has described data formats for Picture, Palette, Leader Information, Race Information, Abilities Cost, Sound, Text (9 types), Video and RAC-file.
Programm LBX Editor is intended for packing and unpacking LBX archives, type definition and view of packed files. Also programm can export the packed files from formats MoO2 to close on value files of widely used formats of the PC.
Now I need help in translation of the program and Help into the English language. The output first version of my package in a English Internet restrains by absence of normal translation. I already have made the version for English, but English is not my native language, therefore indispensable adapting my translation for the normal English language.
The Englishmen, Americans and polyglotes - fans MoO2 - if you are interested in support of my project write in this forum the sentences to cooperation. Please do not write to my e-mail, I can not answer to everybody, besides to me is necessary only one man.
For realization of translation it is desirable base knowledge in HTML and programming. However enough is skill to work from the MS Word.
Some time a go, I begining write software package for editing data of the game Master of Orion 2 (MoO2). The package is named "MoO2 Workshop" and is intended for viewing and editing of the game data. Besides, I have decided to publish data file formats of the game (up to this moment, the majority developers of similar programms hid this information). By current moment I have completed the first programm "LBX Editor" and Help. Has analyzed and has described data formats for Picture, Palette, Leader Information, Race Information, Abilities Cost, Sound, Text (9 types), Video and RAC-file.
Programm LBX Editor is intended for packing and unpacking LBX archives, type definition and view of packed files. Also programm can export the packed files from formats MoO2 to close on value files of widely used formats of the PC.
Now I need help in translation of the program and Help into the English language. The output first version of my package in a English Internet restrains by absence of normal translation. I already have made the version for English, but English is not my native language, therefore indispensable adapting my translation for the normal English language.
The Englishmen, Americans and polyglotes - fans MoO2 - if you are interested in support of my project write in this forum the sentences to cooperation. Please do not write to my e-mail, I can not answer to everybody, besides to me is necessary only one man.
For realization of translation it is desirable base knowledge in HTML and programming. However enough is skill to work from the MS Word.