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Problems with Mpot

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  • Problems with Mpot

    I'm getting lazy in my old age (hey fans of moo2 have to be at least..what 10yo minimum right ?) and have been looking for an editor with less hassle then corion. I like what I get in Mtop but it seems to be causing crash errors. I think it has something to do with the lack of ship names...shipname crashes have kept me from using what seems to be a great editor....

    anyone got any ideas ?

  • #2
    Hmm, I do remember something like this, I forgot what I did, probably copy a shipname.lbx from somewhere but I don't remember.

    Check out this thread and maybe see if that helps, his solution sounds kinda familiar:


    • #3
      hmm I've got the file ....does mpot for you have ships listed in the ship names fields ? Mine doesnt and refuses to save the race changes unless I put something in those fields...which causes the shipnames errror...

      thxye for the reply anyhoo


      • #4
        I did a clean install of mpot and got the same msg as you. Deleting the existing .rac files and doing a "Extract Races" got em back with the ship names filled in tho.

        By the way, for anybody who is whoopin the game on impossible with the stock races, the next step up is to get Tom Holsinger's races off Zoetrope, they come in Melting Pot format . They have cute names but they are kinda bastardly Or, the wargame scenario there gives you 5 gaia planets, but you start in the middle of the map with a bunch of em gonna be headin your way...


        • #5
          waa I tried everything you said and I still cant get ship names....and now when I try to re-install it doesnt install the akari race file for some reason and casues an error in mpot....

          thxye fro trying anyhoo...I fear I'm doooomed

          Where do you install mpot ? directly to the moo2 directory like one might with corion or in its own directory ?
          Last edited by evrett; February 8, 2005, 22:54.


          • #6
            argg this mpot progrma is nothing but trouble...except for the tech tree editor which is the only part that doesn cause massive death to the moo2 files. Any time I even touch the races files the mpot program create black (0k size) racename.lbx, shipname.lbx and planetnumber.lbx...or something along those also corrupts the backups thus making the only option a complete re-install ....poo....

            anyone in touch with the corion2 author...that is a great program that jsut needs a few more perks like an easier way to elimate tech and a numbula editor for the starmap....bigger screensize would help too...the eyes are going in my sunset years yaknow heh


            • #7
              I always put mpot in its own dir. Huh, yeah, now I look I have the same 0 size lbx files in its dir too. Hmmm, one thing is I run win 98SE (heh, mainly for good old games like this . So if you're running XP and putting it in its own dir isn't enough, maybe try running it through dosbox...


              • #8
                Oh also, you do have version .952 right? I know earlier versions definitely had more problems...


                • #9
                  yup yup ..I got the .952 or whatever ..bleh...I had such high hopes....I suppose i'll have to settle for just running the tech editor ...hoepfully I can pull that off without having to reinstall every time

                  thxye for the help anyhoo

