Okay, just a few questions
1. Do you lose tech if you switch tech mid way
2. Whats a good tech/build order early on? I usually go automated factory -> research lab -> colony base/scout/colonyship -> biosphere (if not LHW or subterranian) -> pollution processor/supercomp/colonybase -> climb chemistry tree to molecular construction/climb eng to robo miner
3. How does on win on impossible without unification plus some pop bounse (sub/lith/aqua?). I tried demo and it is just too weak early on and not worth +7. Fedual is okay for telepathic omni warlord rush on small maps, but not much else.
And why is it that the AI expands so fast early on. (I heard they don't have a build cost cheat, or do they?) Most of the time the Ai has three systems before I even expanded to two. Sakkra always grows huge early even though I dont know where they got the production for colony ships.
4. Do you trade your good tech (tech a few generation ahead of the comp, like sci androids when comp don't even have autolab) and grab lots of lesser teachs (eg. dautless/missile base/heavy armor) from everyone or jealously hoard them when not playing creative?
1. Do you lose tech if you switch tech mid way
2. Whats a good tech/build order early on? I usually go automated factory -> research lab -> colony base/scout/colonyship -> biosphere (if not LHW or subterranian) -> pollution processor/supercomp/colonybase -> climb chemistry tree to molecular construction/climb eng to robo miner
3. How does on win on impossible without unification plus some pop bounse (sub/lith/aqua?). I tried demo and it is just too weak early on and not worth +7. Fedual is okay for telepathic omni warlord rush on small maps, but not much else.
And why is it that the AI expands so fast early on. (I heard they don't have a build cost cheat, or do they?) Most of the time the Ai has three systems before I even expanded to two. Sakkra always grows huge early even though I dont know where they got the production for colony ships.
4. Do you trade your good tech (tech a few generation ahead of the comp, like sci androids when comp don't even have autolab) and grab lots of lesser teachs (eg. dautless/missile base/heavy armor) from everyone or jealously hoard them when not playing creative?