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AI level

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  • AI level

    Well, my another lame topic. I guess that AI of computer players is much higher in 1.25 than earlier. I'd like to ask if there is any mod or something to make computer player's expansion slower. I mean I'd like to stay in 2-3 systems and develope quietly, I love when I have control on everything, without 986547985 ****ty planets which I can't control on my own, but its the must to challenge AI players becouse they get 50 planets before 100 turn.
    Is there any method to keep them away so I can create my civilization on my own, in peace, without crazy arming race?
    Please help.
    Last edited by Kinder_Pingui; August 2, 2004, 16:06.

  • #2
    I don't know of any mod.

    However you may start on a bigger galaxy with fewer opponents. If you build up correctly your empire, it won't matter that when you finally meet them they have much more planets...good tech and control of important chock points will allow you to defeat them.
    "Give us peace in our time",

    Stuart Adamson, singer from Big Country, 1958-2001.

