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Diplomacy MODs

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  • #16
    PS - I find didnt need to unzip the Base-relations because it is already unzipped for one of my MODs. Thank goodness for that mercy. I don't have Excel, Bhruic, so I will have to proceed without it.

    Now there are two sets of columns for the various races, one across and one down, and some have negative nos, of course. Which one or ones do I amend? The first column? Which is headed Start. I notice the second column is for the Humans. The third for Elerians and so forth.

    Do I have to amend all of them? For instance, the Humans column, that is, with the humans in the top heading, does that just register their Diplomacy attitudes to the various other races.

    It wouldn't be so bad if I just had to amend the first column under Start but I fear you will tell me it isn't as easy as that. Please bear with me and elaborate upon this, Bhruic. Many thanks.

    Live long and prosper.


    • #17
      PS - I suspect you go down the Human column from the top, the second column in my file, against each other race modifying the minus figures into plus ones. We shall see. Bhruic is the man with the answers and I await them keenly.

      Live long and prosper.


      • #18
        The rows and columns contain the same list of species. In one direction it's how much the one race likes the other, and then vice versa.

        Considering the fact that in general they are both the same, it makes sense to modify both of them.



        • #19
          Why does the game crash if all of them aren't joined at the start(the desicion to not allow this, + have random events alter star lanes). Could make for some interesting scenarios, like a few books I read that dealt with this same issue. For instance there is a Human U shaped chain, and an alien cluster around spica, and a nova at Antares screws up several starlanes isolating several human planets and bringing the humans into contact with the aliens(pretty much cut and paste from that story).


          • #20
            Well, what then do I do, Bhruic? Which columns do I modify for plus values? Only Human at the top and at the side?

            I am afraid I still don't find you clear on this point.

            Live long and prosper.

