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  • lith/creative

    After getting my ass handed to me on a small map/impossible single player countless times, I went with this interesting race pick. (i like small maps on impossible, they always find you early, making it more intense )

    All on industry, one sci on Electronic computer, got a colony base out in 14 turns, got labs and then went straight to fuel/nuke drive, after that I went for hull/automated factories. Then straight to chemistry for the deut fuel cells (250) - my 2nd colony base just came out. both new colonies are producing housing atm, when I get a pop point in a colony I move it over to research, when I capture an enemy planet with a large population I normally move a decent portion to research also.

    so basically it seems you are slow in the beginning but once you start pumping out pop points and moving them over to science, you will realize that tech is just rolling in. after deut cells go for merc missile, I already had a nuke cruiser built, as soon as you get the 650 missiles you should have 2 transports and pump out 2 quick cruisers with all the modifications on nuclear missiles, 2x shots, 1 per slot.

    sometimes you just gotta pick the right time to retreat, ie if you have a ship that's low and has missiles comin in, since your ship won't have shields you are ****ed if you get hit, but usually 2 of these will rape a starbase no problem.

    I didn't build a single colony ship, just pumped transports as my two ships conquered my neighbors expansion attempts. i'll attach a save ,

    Year 3527, I have 13 star systems, and every enemy capital has been captured.

    Last edited by Dunnagan; July 5, 2004, 14:30.

  • #2
    Generally on small I dont build a colony base until I have a cruiser out.

