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Does MoOII Run OK on High End PCs?

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  • Does MoOII Run OK on High End PCs?

    I have a Pentium III 800 and the animations in tactical go a bit too fast than what I would prefer. So I was wondering how MoOII handles with the latest PCs. I suppose when 64 bit computing is the norm, MoOII will be so fast it will be unplayable.

    So if you have a high end PC, does it run okay?
    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

  • #2
    I guess it depends on what you mean by too fast and high end and plays ok.

    I have a P4 3.066GH for over a year now with 9800 PRO running XP PRO. I do not have problems with the combat speed and would not mind it if was faster.

    I do have problems with the mouse, but I now use Moslo and runs at 47% normal and then the mouse is fine.

    My really old PIII is 1.7GH and it runs MooII like a champ under Win98SE.


    • #3
      Turn off fast animations?
      I'm on an athlon xp 1600 with radeon 9800 pro (hi vmxa1)

      i also would like combat to be faster ;b

      no problems with mouse here either


      • #4
        What is the problem with the mouse, vmxa1? Does it fly across the screen too fast or something?
        Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


        • #5
          No, in some cases it sticks. The screen where you select your home system name, I just hit enter. I could not get it to change taxes at all.

          The big one is upgrading ships. It was a real nightmare, but I could do it by holding the arrow keys or enter key.

          There were a few other minor times, but with Moslo, I don't have the problem as long as I do not set the speed to high.


          • #6
            The only problem with running MoO2 I ever had was with using nvidia drivers newer than 29.42. If I use any version above that the mouse cursor starts flickering when I move it.
            Other than that everything runs fine, either on my PIII 800 or my newer Ahtlon XP 1800.


            • #7
              I experienced some problems with Win2k ... I wish I had left Win98 as an additional OS ...
              Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.

