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Increas research to stop comet from destroying a planet.

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  • Increas research to stop comet from destroying a planet.

    Hey, a game question! A comet is going to destroy a planet. Except for necessary maintenance, I reduced all my planets to making research. This resulted in producing 16,000 research points a turn. I need 6000 to destroy the comet. How do I get the research points to destroy the comet. I tried: 1. Letting 16,000 do it, but that only away less than a thousand a turn from the 6000 needed, and there isn't enough time to get the job done this way. 2. Transfering all my reserve to the planet targeted by the comet. That took over a thousand points a turn, but there still isn't enough time to get the job done with this method either. 3. Maxing the amount put into reserve (about 5000 a turn) but that won't get the job done in time either.

    Any other suggestions?

    All help will be appreciated.



  • #2
    Normally fleet strength is needed to destroy the comet isn't it?


    • #3
      You have to use ships to combat the comet. The amount of time require is a function a random number and the level your are playing.

      At impossible it is 7 to 11 turns. At 1 for each level lower. So 11 to 15 at simple.

      The comet should have between 400 and 600 hit points, it is random.

      Ships do 1 hit point at small, 5 for medium, 25 for large and 125 for huge. If the ship does not have at least 1/3 of its space as weapons it will do less damage.

      So use the rule to determine how many ships needed to stop it given the number of turn to impact.

      Well you have one other course of action, "alt events" will turn off all random events. I turn them of at the start as I have long ago got sick of them all.


      • #4
        I presumed we are talking about Moo1.


        • #5
          sounds more like a supernova to me?
          Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


          • #6
            If this is Moo2, then it is similar. The size is 300 to 500. You have between 6 and 14 turns to stop it.

            It should not show up until 200 turns have been played. The largest sizes requires about 30 medium ships and 6 turns to destroy.

            If not destroyed, it will act as a bombing run. Doing 20 to 60% damage to structures and pop.


            • #7
              Yes, if he meant SuperNova, then research is required. It is the same as Comet, in that it comes after 200 turns.

              You can not effect the cure with research from the empire, only the system under attack.

              You have between 6 and 14 turns to stop it. If you do nothing the solution comes one turn to late.

              All colonies in the system will be destroyed, if you cannot stop it.


              • #8
                Dah, it was a Super Nova I was talking about. My apology for misleading those that responded about a comet. And, it is MOO 1.

                So, how to I increase the research on the Colony that is about to go super nova: l. max the research on the planet. 2. are there any other ways?

                Thanks for you help.



                • #9
                  Only the research on that planet counts against the event. Pour a pile of BCs from reserve into the planet; you can double the per-turn production. Reduce the amount you're putting into ECOlogy until it's just enough to keep the planet clean. Take everything out of INDustry, DEFense and SHIPs, put it into TECH. For a tiny extra bit, you can zero out your spy sliders on the Races page, and set the reserve slider to zero on the Planets screen. If you still don't have enough to research the stellar rejuvenator, put everything into ECOlogy, sell your missile bases, and start transporting the maximum number of people per turn off the planet, since anyone left there is going to die.

                  If you're already putting a lot of reserve BCs into the planet, you may be out of luck, since the research cost seems to be based on the planet's current production. I had this happen to me one time when I was recycling BCs from reserve through an ultra-rich for profit. I found it amusing (later, after I cooled off ) that the game was able to use my exploit against me.


                  • #10
                    If it makes the difference, go ahead and take more of the ecology and let the planet pile up some waste.

                    It is better if you don't have to, but not better than losing the planet.

                    Don't forget you can scrap ships to raise more cash to pump in.
                    You may be able to send pop to the planet from elsewhere to beef up their production.

                    I thought I remembered you were playing Moo1.

