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Getting really pappa-ed with problems in exiting a session!

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  • Getting really pappa-ed with problems in exiting a session!

    Once again, the only way I could exit a MOO3 game was to act as if I wanted to start a new game, either that or literally pull the plug on my machine and hope the reboot worked alright!

    I have NEVER had this sort of problem or so many other bugs (sometimes it takes ages to view the planetary, military screen) with any other space strategy game I have played!

    I wrote in previous thread I had these problems before I added all the MODs I have now incorporated.

    I am no businesss PHD but it seems to me good practice that whatever line of business you are in you provide your customers with a good product so that they come back for more!

    I am now for Haegemonia or GalCiv!

    What I think of you, Infogrames, is best left to the realms of virtual reality. But suffice it to say that I sincerely doubt you have properly respected the sacred trust you accepted in taking on the MOO3 series!

    Christopher C.

  • #2
    PS - the Saved Games problem again...

    This problem of being able to exit properly of which I am complaining, again, appears, on my PRELIMINARY investigation, to be confined to SAVED Games rather than ones which are just AUTOSAVE, just in case anyone is interested. But I am not swearing on the Bible that it couldnt happen with an AUTOSAVE, either. I shall just have to see.

    Why do I persevere so long with MOO3? Masochism? The desire to investigate a game thoroughly in this genre I soooo love before I go on to the next or maybe the glimpse I get, from time to time, of how conceptually MOO3 could have been the greatest 4X space stragegy game so far, had there been a longer and greater commitment to it not just by its fans!

    Well, it is late, I am now going slumming with a TV film. I have exercised enough nervous energy on this game for one night, particularly in view of having recently suffered a heart attack!

    Live long and prosper.

    PS. Unless, the exiting problem becomes really exacerbated, I still gotta admit that most of the MODs really do enhance the game.

