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Turn 210-220

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  • Turn 210-220

    New elections will be held at the end of this term.

    Turn 211: The last pocket of resistance in the Shalako System has been squelched!

    Also our first attempt at exploring beyond the "original fuel line" did quite well, travelling through a worm hole we managed to discover another system.

    Turn 212: News report from the Sarka empire: A radiation release threatens to kill millions on the colony world of Mirror.

    Our latest addition to the fleet, a plasma cannon armed scout frigate was completed and will
    be deployed to the outlier systems.

    Meanwhile several Buildings finished construction, A Factory on Vela, a biosphere on Tycho 2, and more, see the turn report post below.

    3 enemy warships(2 cruisers and 1 battleship) are now two galactic cycles from Shalako, meanwhile our entire fleet is mustering there for the continued push into silicoid territory.

    Turn 213: Our newly conquered planets in the Shalako system have finished a barracks and a super computer respectively. Meanwhile troop transports continue to be produced by our homeworld.

    Turn 214: The enemy fleet has been completely destroyed, intelligence(erm me) incorrectly identified the two destroyers as cruisers, as such our fleet could have set course for the next silicoid world much sooner.

    An assimilated worker was sent to our homeworld, he will round out its population bringing us to about 37 possible.

    Turn 215:
    A space dragon defends a very rich star system with a gaia planet! Sadly our scout was lost.

    Turn 216:
    In further news, our reports indicate that the sole system in the Lesath system is even now losing its defenses to our mighty fleet!.

    Next turn we will conquer Lesath as there are 7 infantry units vs only our 4 infantry, add that in addition to the fact that this is a size 16 world, and 4 just couldn't take and hold it.

    Subterfuge!: An enemy destroyer will have a full free turn over the shalako system, considering that he made it to the world while the fleet was away, 2 of the planets have defenses, but our slaves on the third world are not defended, and many troops may perish if the destroyer finds our transport. A warship was sent speeding back to Shalako, given the overall disposition of enemy forces at Lesath.

    Our forces have made contact with the Elerians via a wormhole at Lesath, this race promised to "free the galaxy" from us.

    A new scout was completed, and a building was built on Shalako.

    Finally, it seems that our non-aquatic slave worker is being severly crowded, sadly, we will have to terraform our ocean into a terran world to get the most from our slaves. And with this we bid farewell to our ocean homeworld, and look towards the future.

    Turn 217:
    Fortunately, the destroyer chose to attack a defended world, and there was no loss of life on the planet as the 107,101,234,546th air defense wing utterly destroyed the enemy warship.
    Sadly however, many pilots died for this victory, it seems the silicoids have "stolen" positronic computer technology, possibly from the Psilons, which they used to accurately target several of our fighters. Our ships will be watching Psilon space for any more "help" that they would send to the Silicoids.

    The lesath system is now under our foot! However, due to unusual tactics, and excellent use of traps, 3 units were lost subduing the planet. Several Generals, deemed silicoid "sympathisers" will be summerily executed. Luckily, even with these spies and sabotuers amongst our ranks, a new weapon enters our arsenal as a result of the Silicoid's failure to destroy it. Given that we haven't seen this new weapon on the battlefield, we must assume that it came from the Psilons. The compact Phasor is now known to us.

    Turn 218:
    WAR! The Humans and Psilons are now at war.
    Meanwhile our homeworld is an ocean world no longer, today we take our first steps on to land on our homeworld. Our homeworld will now accomidate 30 workers.

    Turn 219:
    The humans have made contact with us.
    Meanwhile several buildings have been completed.

    Due to some failure of understanding, the silicoids in captivity on our homeworld will not breed as quickly as we had hoped(we only get 66k per turn with cloning+20 workers on housing, damned bug!), so we will have to do the housing on other worlds and ship the workers in.

    Human space is apparently quite vast, they will be the power players later in the game, but for now, i'd say our fleet is the strongest in the galaxy. Oh, do yourself a favor and DON'T look at the Elerian ship combat picks(ouch!).

    Defense minister, we are at 16 command points spent, with 11 being generated. A starbase has been purchased and will be finished next turn, bringing us up to 13 generated. What are your orders for ship construction/refitting?

    Defense & MOA: 2 outpost ships, and 2 colony ships are being built at darlenia 2 to claim the Gryphon system, shall we wait, or proceed?

    MOD & MOA: after Gryphon system is claimed, shall we send out the fleet to kill the dragon at Qui?

    Darlenia system overview: D2 has built everything, and all that remains is to ship workers in, right now we are building colony ships, shall we switch to research here?
    D1 is building terraforming, and awaiting the arrival of 1 slave worker.
    D3 is struggling under heavy gravity, but will finish a starbase next turn, shall we build terraforming after that?

    Vela system has only a barracks and a factory, This is a prime candidate for housing to fill up our homeworld, how do you feel?

    Tycho System is still plodding along, building housing right now, once it reaches 5 pop shall we terraform up to Terran, or immediately start on starbase/battlestation?

    Shalako has most of the basic ground defenses in place, shall we build robos/holos then Battlestations, or everything first(up to terraforming to terran) and then build battlestations, or alternatively shall we immediately turn this system into a pop farm?

    Lesath is building Barracks right now. Shall we build barracks, factory/robo/holo, basic ground defense, starbase/battlestation(in roughly that order) or some other order, or shall Lesath also be a pop farm for our homeworld?

    General research:
    After gaining Nano-technology, we need to decide on Ion engines(as the silicoids now seem to have them), vs getting to gravity generators(D3 is suffering massively from being HG, and will be quite productive once one is in place, but also, the Silicoids have these, we could capture them from them), vs warp inderdictors(With fuel cells we can now reach out and touch each of our neighbors, but they can all do the same). Which is it to be?

    rename save9.gam
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Known space
    Attached Files


    • #3
      The power graph
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Turn 212 report.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Here be Dragons! Arr!
          Attached Files


          • #6
            the latest enemy fleet
            Attached Files


            • #7
              captured technology.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Fight at Shalako
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Another fine report.


                  • #10
                    I would join this game but I am a pain in the butt and you folks would soon grow to hate me.


                    • #11
                      go ahead and join, its not like there is anything required to join.


                      • #12
                        Whoa, what JT means is he probably does not have the game and only posted this to troll. You can believe him when he says you will get annoyed. It is what he aims to do for the most part.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vmxa1
                          Whoa, what JT means is he probably does not have the game and only posted this to troll. You can believe him when he says you will get annoyed. It is what he aims to do for the most part.
                          No and no. I have the game. It was not a troll. And I do not aim to annoy people.

                          But if I joined I would probably get on your nerves continually pointing out that there was no justification to engage in this barbaric and cruel campaign against these cute little helpless rocks.

                          I would probably utilize my democratic rights to organize an oppostion party on a platform of peace and universal health care for all.

                          And can you say "free the slaves!".

                          vmxa1, please, don't confuse my anti-Firaxis crusade with my otherwise sweet and slightly dopey personality. I have been meaning to ask you, where did vmxa1 come from? It sounds so..., Klackon.


                          • #14
                            I'm finally back after my prolonged vacation. First, I wish everyone here a happy new year :-)

                            You guys have been doing great at my absense.

                            We need the Alien management center built on our homeworld (we'll have to research it if we havent) because there is a 20% morale penalty for mixed populations, and this is the building that will solve the problem. This may be a candidate for our next research field.

                            Another tip: when we see that some transports are coming to a newly conquered colony without escort, then we can rush-build an empty scout there (for 21 PP or so) and it will destroy all the transports in spite of the fact that it has not any weapons.

                            Jimmytrick, there is no chance to become friends with the rocks, or any of the other alien races because they think that we are "ugly" and "repulsive". Your cause is doomed because they will not change their point of view for any reason. There is a simple question "We or they?" and we'll fight forthe better solution. If we don't keep slaves, than we'll become slaves ourselves .... or even worse, we can be annihilated. No one will want such destiny for his children ...
                            Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


                            • #15
                              MoA report

                              Gryphon colony ships: Proceed with claming Gryphon under the Great HNSS-Darlok empire!
                              Dragon: Don´t really know, do what you want.

                              D2 No, still build colony ships
                              D3: Build Terraform next.

                              Vela: Showing green light for the pop farm project.
                              Tycho: Build Starbase.

                              Shalako: First build robo/holos, then battlestations.
                              Lesath: Build in that order.

                              Finally, elections and retiriment from my job as MoA. I don´t no if I could stand this anymore, I have school and everything.
                              The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn.
                              - Chuck Norris Facts

