Our focus polls have shown that our people demand terraforming, then class 3 shields.
Turn 151:
Darlenia 3 is now reportedly suffering population pressures as people are now pushing at the seems.
Turn 152:
An outpost finished construction, and will be sent to replace the glazed over former outpost that we set eariler.
Turn 155:
our researchers have finished work on Genetic Mutation.
We now possess terraforming.
work will now be directed to gravitic fields.
Turn 156:
Darlenia 3 finished a pollution processor.
Turn 159:
Darlenia 1 has been terraformed from a useless hostile barren world devoid of all life to a useless desert world that is devoid of all life! Progress!
The situation:
We now have an outpost at vela, as well as our missile battleship and a scout.
A new battleship is only 4 turns away from being completed.
Darlenia 1 is now a desert world, and also has soil enrichment so it can feed itself.
We are researching mag fields 650.
We are still committed to the class 3 shieds/battlescanner plan for the moment.
We haven't had any fight yet, but one is expected during the next turn. We may lose the outpost, what situation should the battleship retreat from?
rename save9.gam.sav to save9.gam
Turn 151:
Darlenia 3 is now reportedly suffering population pressures as people are now pushing at the seems.
Turn 152:
An outpost finished construction, and will be sent to replace the glazed over former outpost that we set eariler.
Turn 155:
our researchers have finished work on Genetic Mutation.
We now possess terraforming.
work will now be directed to gravitic fields.
Turn 156:
Darlenia 3 finished a pollution processor.
Turn 159:
Darlenia 1 has been terraformed from a useless hostile barren world devoid of all life to a useless desert world that is devoid of all life! Progress!
The situation:
We now have an outpost at vela, as well as our missile battleship and a scout.
A new battleship is only 4 turns away from being completed.
Darlenia 1 is now a desert world, and also has soil enrichment so it can feed itself.
We are researching mag fields 650.
We are still committed to the class 3 shieds/battlescanner plan for the moment.
We haven't had any fight yet, but one is expected during the next turn. We may lose the outpost, what situation should the battleship retreat from?
rename save9.gam.sav to save9.gam