Here is the raw numbers:
------------- mine --------------------- team
Reserve 53/104
Income +5/+18
Pop 28/26
Freighters 5/15
Food +2/+2
RP 64/10
T100 pop looks like:
III 0/1/4
I 0/2/0
II 6/11/4 (yeah room for one more)
Structures on I (prime)
Farm (both)
Cloner (team)
AF (both)
Barracks (both)
RL (mine)
Skipped cloner as the planet was too small. It is building a SPace Port now at 5 pop it should be worth doing.
Structures on III
Barracks (both)
AF (both)
RL (me)
Farm (me)
Robo (me)
Cloner (me)
Space Port is going up now.
Structures on HW
Robo (both)
RL (both)
Farm (both)
Barracks (both)
AF (both)
Bio (both)
Space Port (both)
Space Academy (me)
Missile Base (me)
OP in two turns, no structures to build at this time.
I really did not intend to make a MB, but I had nothing better, unless I did OP or CS sooner and maybe I should have. I was using the MB as a prebuild, but was not paying close attention.
Academy will be good for those combat ships.
------------- mine --------------------- team
Reserve 53/104
Income +5/+18
Pop 28/26
Freighters 5/15
Food +2/+2
RP 64/10
T100 pop looks like:
III 0/1/4
I 0/2/0
II 6/11/4 (yeah room for one more)
Structures on I (prime)
Farm (both)
Cloner (team)
AF (both)
Barracks (both)
RL (mine)
Skipped cloner as the planet was too small. It is building a SPace Port now at 5 pop it should be worth doing.
Structures on III
Barracks (both)
AF (both)
RL (me)
Farm (me)
Robo (me)
Cloner (me)
Space Port is going up now.
Structures on HW
Robo (both)
RL (both)
Farm (both)
Barracks (both)
AF (both)
Bio (both)
Space Port (both)
Space Academy (me)
Missile Base (me)
OP in two turns, no structures to build at this time.
I really did not intend to make a MB, but I had nothing better, unless I did OP or CS sooner and maybe I should have. I was using the MB as a prebuild, but was not paying close attention.
Academy will be good for those combat ships.