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Turn 50-75

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  • Turn 50-75

    Turn 51:
    Our words are backed by nuclear weapons!

    Our scientists have finally discovered chemistry, somehow this gives us:
    1)Extended fuel cells which somehow manage to scale in the amount of fuel that they carry depending on the basic fuel cell...
    2)Nuclear missiles, with which we can bombard Darlenia 1 into submission if it EVER tries to secede from our great empire!
    3)Titanium: Yay... a metal that we have known about for a while has just been discovered...
    4)Standard fuel cells, though why they discovered these after discovering the extended ones is a mystery to me.

    Our scientists say that it is now possible to launch insterstellar starships!

    Finally I direct our research to the unethical fields of half-naked shape shifter cloning, genetically engineered crops, and the horrible death virus, which I have the sinking feeling will be overshadowed by the advent of the nuclear weapon.

    Turn 52:
    This is truly a great day for all HNSS kind, our first starship has been launched, it will proceed to the nearest star, 4 parsecs away, and see what there is to see(as well as providing a way to hide resource shortages and incompetent HNSS leadership).

    Turn 54:
    Our scouts made it to what we are tenatively calling the tycho system!

    sadly, only an asteroid field(which our navigator skillfully piloted through) and a low gravity,small,poor barren world were found.

    Our scout will now set course for the starsystem immediately left of Darlenia

    Turn 58:
    Terrible News from Sarka empire, an earth quake hit killing over 1 million people(this is of course good news for us, and confirms our scientists worst fears that there are indeed others out there...)

    In other news our scout made it to the Vela system(who comes up with these names?) a medium sized poor barren world was the only planet found... didn't all of our astronomers tell us that we would find mineral rich worlds in abundance?

    Turn 60:

    Those unethical scientists are at it again, we now have knowledge of advanced biology.

    We can now:
    1)Clone our citizens, scientist assure us that this will only be used to replace destroyed body parts, but I think that we all know better.
    2)Deploy life destroying bio weapons, Not that we ever will, these things just don't compare to nukes.
    3)enrich the soil of our Ocean world? bunch of kooks...

    Now we will direct our research to survival pods so that if the glorious leader(that would be me) ever gets into trouble, I can escape while all of you peons perish.

    The first improvement on our colony will be finished next turn, as it has been purchased for 110 billion credits.

    Turn 61:
    The autofactory on our first colony has been finished!

    Turn 63:
    Our homeworld has seen a massive increase in population growth following the construction of a cloning center, and I have to say, despite my eariler objections this may not have been such a bad idea after all. However this center costs us 3 billion credits per turn, hope it will be worth it.

    Turn 65:
    The barracks on Darlenia 1 has been purchased for 60 billion credits. atleast 10 lives were lost to environment suit failures in the course of its construction however. A memorial for these fallen heros will be held later in the afternoon.

    Turn 66:
    The first barracks, and with it a marine unit, are now defending our colony from outside invasion that these "sarkas" might launch.

    Several traitors have been rounded up and silenced, and as a result, morale problems have disappeared from the new colony.

    Turn 68:
    As a result of our non-existant "soil" being enriched, our farmers are now much more productive.

    Turn 70:
    Cyr has offered his services to our empire, shall we hire him?

    Turn 71:
    Those blasted Gnolams have recieved 400 billion credits from a wealthy investor. This investor seems to have voted against us winning, lets make him pay shall we?

    Turn 73:
    Finally I can now escape certain death and destruction at the hands of our enemies! This is a great day for the empire!

    Research into defensive bases and space commerce is now possible, and will be undertaken.

    Darlenia 1 finished the research lab, though this time its construction cost the lives of no slaves.

    Administrator Galis is finally turning a profit for us, maybe I will recind the assassination order against that lazy bum.

    Rename save8.gam.sav to save8.gam

    Directions I am looking for:
    The empire is now commited to the space port > robo miner > colony ship >scanner > super comp path for research, and it will likely take all of next term to get them all, perhaps even more.

    The colony world has some development, 3 buildings ,and will soon have 2 people, shall I immediately move the second worker to the homeworld?

    Which of the two poor worlds should we colonize next, or should we just outpost them? Should we modify our research path to get outposts next to do this?

    Will we hire commander Cyr(he gives +5 fighter attack)?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    The layout of the Home system

    the rest of the pictures will be in jpg form and in a zip file
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I had forot with the free one you get the banner plastered all over. You can use "save as" to make it a jpeg. Here it is:
      Attached Files


      • #4
        "Directions I am looking for:
        The empire is now commited to the space port > robo miner > colony ship >scanner > super comp path for research, and it will likely take all of next term to get them all, perhaps even more.

        The colony world has some development, 3 buildings ,and will soon have 2 people, shall I immediately move the second worker to the homeworld?

        Which of the two poor worlds should we colonize next, or should we just outpost them? Should we modify our research path to get outposts next to do this?

        Will we hire commander Cyr(he gives +5 fighter attack)?"

        I would move each new one to the HW. I like to buy the AF for the new planets, if I have the money to increase its ability to house or make things.

        I would vote to colonize the Huge one first an dbuy RL to get teh extra 5 rp per turn.

        You can jump to freighters at the next break throught to provide food for any colonies. It will not take long.

        Cyr, we are a long way from doing any fighting, so he can wait.

        We are actually off any running yajoo, too bad Harry is missing out. Long live the President.


        • #5
          I converted them to jpgs but they either stay the same size or quality drops faster then image size. heres the link to the zip file, its 1 meg, and has ~15 pictures.


          • #6
            tell me if you cant dl that.


            • #7
              and we do have freighters already.


              • #8
                I can still check in every once in awhile. Whoha is making a better President than I could have. I only wanted the after presidency book deal.

                I'd leave the worker on the new world. What's the philosophy behind moving him? Wouldn't having more people on the new planet lead to faster population development?

                I agree on huge. More pop means more workers.

                That's all I've got for now.


                • #9
                  I was able to download them. They are all bmaps, I used Irfanview to convert them to 800 jpegs. They look the same to me.
                  In Irfanview select Image, then resize. I used 800X600 and set to Jpeg. Save it and you are ready.
                  They sure plaster the notice all over teh picture. I guess they are trying to get you to get a lic. I have had one since version 3 and have not had to pay for any upgrades.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Whoha
                    and we do have freighters already.
                    Cool I should have down load the save first. I forgot what was researched and I am so used to going freighters then colony ships, when you mention research CS, I just took it for granted that freighters had not been done.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Harry Seldon
                      I can still check in every once in awhile. Whoha is making a better President than I could have. I only wanted the after presidency book deal.

                      I'd leave the worker on the new world. What's the philosophy behind moving him? Wouldn't having more people on the new planet lead to faster population development?

                      I agree on huge. More pop means more workers.

                      That's all I've got for now.
                      All production is coming form the HW, so it is best to fill it as quick as you can. We will want to make colonly ships and war ships and that needs all the pop we can get.


                      • #12
                        Cloning center prime:
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Attached Files


                            • #15
                              Attached Files

