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  • save-game's

    Dear President(s),

    please place the save-games here, so that we, your subjects, can have a look at your reign.

  • #2
    All hail the Apolytonian Empire! Please ensure this is correct:

    Eight players on Impossible, Huge Galaxy, Prewarp, Average Galaxy Age/Type

    Tactical Combat Off (for now), Antarans On, Random Events On

    Darlock picture
    Artifact, Large, Repulsive, Creative, Aquatic Dictatorship
    Minus Ship Defense, Ground Combat, Science +1

    Empire Name: Apolytonian
    Planet Name: Darlenia
    Flag: Purple
    Leader: Took the default and can't remember now

    If this is to everyone's liking, I will begin the game tomorrow evening CST. To recap, it's five turns per discussion, with votes on technology as they occur. Does everything appear correct? Oh, and I had to rename the file with a .sav extension so it would upload. Rename the extension .gam.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I don't ever remember voting on no Darlenia as our planet name.


      • #4
        Unfortunately the download didn't work for me - probably due to the annoying problems that Apolyton is having right now.... grrrrr....


        • #5
          Seems correct, except the Tactical Combat. Why would we want that off? You can not even design a ship with it off.


          • #6
            Oh and I can not download anything off the site all day today.


            • #7
              Tactical combat should be on ....
              Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


              • #8
                I'll turn it on tonight. I just left it off as I couldn't remember any conversation on it. This IS a democratic dictatorship, after all. Darlenia was the only planet name really offered up in the thread for it. No one mentioned galaxy age/type so I just left it at average.

                OT, I thought that tactical combat was only controlling ships in combat, not design. I'm pretty sure I turned this off before and was able to still design ships.

                edit: I just tried a download and mine didn't work either. I'll try to upload it again tonight.


                • #9
                  I don't have the game loaded here at work but can someone check

                  The way to get the save file is to go to right click 'save target as' and then save it. Then rename the file to a zip file and extract. The save file should extract normally. It worked for me at least.
                  It's not zipped but it may be able to be renamed as save1.gam.


                  • #10
                    You cannot use the design button when tactic combat is off.
                    I could DL the file using the save target, but it was invalid, even if I renamed it and tried to unzip it.


                    • #11
                      I'll turn tactical on when I fire it up. I can email the game per instructions in other Start thread if that's an acceptable solution. Otherwise, we wait.


                      • #12
                        Sounds good, if they do not have it corrected by after today, I will post my email address, thanks.


                        • #13
                          um... I thought you could only turn tactical combat on/off at game creation?

                          So won't you need to restart?
                          Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
                          Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
                          7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


                          • #14
                            Yes he will.


                            • #15
                              Harry, I do not know ho they do it here, but if you use the upload function, then it can be downloaded.

