Ah, that explains why truly needy but 'developed' planets are starving, and a newly colonized planet is getting 500K in grant monies (as I've seen in my later games wehn my economy is huge, and newly colonized planets small). I can see it now: "Greetings from the Emperor - Congratulations on founding the colony Po Dunk Two! Here's a half million dollars. Spend it wisely!"
This means that setting Imperial grant budget to very large percent of your total budget in mid and late game is completely pointless since it makes the planet econ AI go into the deep red. Basically, it can't spend the money even if it wanted to because the economy can't utilize that kind of cash.
Early in the game I always set my grants at 60% or more to goose my early development. Of course, I'm dealing with relatively small amounts of $$, so the AI can't waste it to the same degree. Now I'll back off to target at total allotment of +50K/planet for 10 planets (total 500K) or less.
This means that setting Imperial grant budget to very large percent of your total budget in mid and late game is completely pointless since it makes the planet econ AI go into the deep red. Basically, it can't spend the money even if it wanted to because the economy can't utilize that kind of cash.
Early in the game I always set my grants at 60% or more to goose my early development. Of course, I'm dealing with relatively small amounts of $$, so the AI can't waste it to the same degree. Now I'll back off to target at total allotment of +50K/planet for 10 planets (total 500K) or less.