The other day I had a quick look-see at the techtables.txt and discovered a whole bunch of techs I've been missing sice moo2. Namely the antaran techs. And some new. They where all put in the Antar_1 tech school. I figured they, like in moo2, where'nt up for grabs through normal research, but had to aqired by other means.
But how?
This is frustrating. I've burned over fifty spies. So far, nothing! I've also tried conquering the NO(reload,.. and again), but to no awail. Is it simply not ment to be? Are they only for the NO, perhaps?
But how?
This is frustrating. I've burned over fifty spies. So far, nothing! I've also tried conquering the NO(reload,.. and again), but to no awail. Is it simply not ment to be? Are they only for the NO, perhaps?