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Moo1: some newbie questions

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  • #16
    Oh man I have missed Warlords. I no longer have Warlords Deluxe or even Warlord III (which I have bought many time as either the first or the second).
    I finally left go of Warlords III as it need 256 colors and it was just a pain. Dark Lords Rising was so much fun.
    Farewell Warlords


    • #17
      BTW I think I have the Moo FAQ on one of my backup CD's and I do have the guide that Alan cowrote.


      • #18
        What are some good designs for starlords?
        I know about beseting thousands of subspace teleporter/cloaked bombers on the universe and just bombing out every planet(since there is no defense in the game at all to that),but I don't know a way to beat the ai at just ship to ship combat.Also, the silicoids are horridly imbalanced with less then perfect starting positions for the other races.


        • #19
          I never played Starlords. I did install it and look at it once.
          It is Moo1 before they made Steve fix it up.


          • #20
            Well this has pretty much answered all my questions in an extensive way

            I'm off to play now to put it all into practise. Thank you guys!


            • #21
              Originally posted by vmxa1
              Farewell Warlords
              Have no fear. Warlords IV is in the works.
              (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
              (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
              (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


              • #22
                I actually rather like the Klacs. Their panelty in Propulsion can be offset by spending more in the area, and their production bonus just can't be beat, particularly in the early stages. Each population point is as productive as a factory and requires no cleaning up, so you get to spend those precious BCs in research or growing more Klacs.
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #23
                  I think by my avatar you know how I feel about the Klacs.


                  • #24
                    The avatars are gone again
                    (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                    (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                    (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                    • #25
                      Try watching "Starship Troopers" again :PP Some more flavoured MOO there ;-)
                      Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain.


                      • #26
                        I have it on DVD, the bugs rule.


                        • #27
                          good morning

                          wow vmxa1, you really love this game. i think i play the game a lot differently from you guys.

                          i only fight 2 times usually, maybe 3 or 4 some times. the first time i fight is in the beginnig, less than 10 turns into the game... if there is a planet of size 70, or some rich planet, or artifact planet, i'm going to take it.

                          i always play as the klackons, for the simple reason that that they can consturct the most, the soonest. they can build something like 50 laser fighters just like that... which i think are kewler and funner to fight with than these mammouth ships others are talking about.

                          in the beginning, only my homeworld is building, and building only colony ships. i see a target, switch over to laser fight prodcution. usually, a colony ship is soon to be finished... but now that i have switched over to fighters, 50 will come out that turn. in the same turn, 50 million soldiers are headed for that planet (yes, in the beginning, my soldiers are sent out before my fleet.

                          after my fighters are created and sent out, time to research hand lasers to be able to fight on the ground ( and reduce losses, and enahnce my ability to fight back, if and when the enemy lands.

                          here comes another advantage of the klacks. 50 million soldiers land on a planet defended by only 2-4 million soldiers. i have taken the planet, and it is now productive with so many men. build a missile base. if it is a rich planet, there is a good chance i will get a few missile bases up before the enemy's unescorted 50% of population arrive. with those bases up and my fighter's in orbit, the enemy is completely shot down or hit hard, leaving only a few to land. i am winning the war.

                          let's say it's not a rich planet... and there is not enough time to get even one missle base up. tell that planet to build a colony ship - but do not finish it. once the enemy is due to arrive, once again switch over to fighter production. out come a lot of fighters... hopefully enough to completely destroy those ground troops as they try and enter orbit.

                          be warned = committing yourself to a war is a long, costly process. you're going to have to fight with the enemy (or his current friends... or future friends) for a very long time. in the beginning, only fight for something grand. the planet should be large enough to have a large pop on it, so if necessary, it can defend itself later on.

                          a lot of players here advertise really high tech ships. that is good. i personally think that the sooner you fight, the more fun the game is... further, the more lives you will save of those in your empire. also, having a fleet can help you defend yourself. also, hit the enemy soon, and you make huge leaps in technology with a few ground fights that would have taken you possibly hundreds of years to develop on your own.

                          that being said... i find it no fun and wasteful to build ships are with ion cannons, anything with retro engines... those fleets can fight maybe for a little while. but they won't defend you forever. and eventually, they will be mauled by the enemy. so... i only hvae fleets at two points in the game. one is less than 10 turns into the game (which i described above). and the other is when i am READY to fight.

                          and once i am ready to fight, my fleet and empire will keep fighting and fighting. (more to come)


                          • #28
                            Neutron Pallet Gun is one of my favourite weapons. It's armour piecing and does 2-5 points of damage, that means you can use it for a long time. Besides, miniaturization means you can pack a huge number of these after awhile, further increasing its usefulness.
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #29
                              FIrst le me thank UR for the bump, I missed this post some how.
                              NPG is a very good weapon when it shows up. Well if it shows up.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jianye3
                                "i only fight 2 times usually, maybe 3 or 4 some times. the first time i fight is in the beginnig, less than 10 turns into the game... if there is a planet of size 70, or some rich planet, or artifact planet, i'm going to take it."

                                Thanks, I am a nut for Moo. What size map are you on?
                                I am not in position to attack anyone that early, because I have no contact.

                                I play klacs 95 out of 100 games (literally). Mostly small maps. My tactic is to not make any ships until I fill out my planet and do 1 or 2 rounds at full research to seed things a bit. I then go full bore on colony ships until I have no planets that can be reached and colonized.

                                Here it can get out of alignment. I may have back up and make a ship to defend a planet that I am going for or just colonized. If so it will be a large ship with lasers as that is all I have or maybe gatling. This is because I will usually set my tech to a small amount for weapons and force until I have 2 break throughs. Hand lasers are out of my control, I get them or I don't.

                                Anyway I feel that spending money on ships at the start will only retartd my growth and research. At impossible, I can not expect to out research them for some time and they will probably take any planet back that they go for early. The lame AI will crank out combat ships steadily, that is why I can beat him. If I try that I am going to get buried by their research bonus.
                                I will never sent 50 pop to a planet until late in the game when I have planets of 150 or more size. That hurts production too much until you get cloners. Remember that workers can work multiple factories, so that is at least 100 facs or 150.
                                I am surely going to have very poor engines, so it will take a long time to get those troops to the target.

