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Save game troubles

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  • Save game troubles

    Is there any way to make the game save the actions you have made on a turn, rather than just saving it from the beginning of the turn? I am growing increasingly frustrated with having to constantly redo everything I've done when I save and reload a game. I'm getting to the point where I want to do as little as possible every turn because I know I'll have to do it all a dozen times. And, while I've finally gotten to the point where I am enjoying the game, this "feature" is making it all seem like work. If this is not addressed, this one thing alone will make me abandon this game.

    Yes, I am a chronic "save & load" player. When spies are killed, I reload and try again. This is the way I play, I enjoy it, though I understand that others do not- so no admonishments, please. I don't like game designers trying to discourage me from playing the way I want to. If that is what this is all about, then eBay can have this game.

    Any chance that this will be either fixed or hacked?

  • #2
    There is no way.
    Up to date the Load Function is the same as the Autosave Function with the exception, that you can give your Savefiles Names.
    Before the Patch even the current SitRep of the saved turn wasn´t included, so you started the game with an empty SitRep if you loaded an old game. At least one thing concerning the Saves which was fixed with the last patch.
    So to date the only way is to Save and Exit the Game at the Beginning of each turn and/or hope that the next Patch will fix it.
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
    Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


    • #3
      Your Spy are meant to die as spying is alway riskly work thought out human history. I am also than save and reloader of savegame but donot do so because of than spy die.
      By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


      • #4
        What was that, Charlie?

        I reload for various reasons. It's just the way I play.


        • #5
          Originally posted by clocknova
          What was that, Charlie?

          I reload for various reasons. It's just the way I play.
          Before the code patch came out I was in agame where I was at war with two races an I was haveing two or more spys dieing more me. Spying is and will alway be a riskly bussieness where you can get kill. I than not going to reload than savegame where 5 of my spies carry out success operation and one was kill in the line of duty.

          I play Role-Playing computer games where I do save and reload like Baldur's Gate 2.
          By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.


          • #6
            I sometimes wonder about those spy reports and whether they are really accurate. In several games I would send over one or more political spies to another race to assassinate a leader. After he's in place I would get a message saying he was successful. Then every turn or so I'd get another. This continued until about eight leaders "died" then I withdrew the spy. What I'm wondering is this: isn't there a four leader limit on everyone? I'd go back later and he'd have even more. What gives?
            "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
            "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
            2004 Presidential Candidate
            2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


            • #7
              Originally posted by Vince278
              I sometimes wonder about those spy reports and whether they are really accurate. In several games I would send over one or more political spies to another race to assassinate a leader. After he's in place I would get a message saying he was successful. Then every turn or so I'd get another. This continued until about eight leaders "died" then I withdrew the spy. What I'm wondering is this: isn't there a four leader limit on everyone? I'd go back later and he'd have even more. What gives?
              I have no idear and how can you test this easy like.
              By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.

