Good thing the patch was just a beta, because it's really not quite done yet. It's helped an awful lot in some areas, but particularly in MP there seem to have been some regressions.
No announcement yet.
Originally posted by Q Cubed
civ3 got plenty of user input, and it turned out all right...To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.
Originally posted by Grumbold
Firaxis ignored 99% of the advice they were given for Civ 3 which meant the design was mostly their own, both the good and bad bits.By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.
That was my point. Lots of people wrote lots of stuff about what Firaxis should do in a Civ III title, but they were not invited to do so by Firaxis as part of the design process. Firaxis read very little of it, although the Apolyton list was perused in whole or in part. The game shouldn't be used as an example of 'design by consultation'.
Where I am critical of their development process is in their decision to not even look at what non-Civ titles had brought to the genre to see if they would be worthwhile inclusions or inspire other ideas. Not expecting thousands of internet fans to come up with enough coherent ideas to be worth listening to was one of their better decisionsTo doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.
Originally posted by Vyshka
huh? That's a typo right? More like late 80's - early 90's.By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.
Oh, the Elerians are in the game as a Magnate Civilization. All where wiped out, but most of them are in the game. You run into different ones, so instead of just (what 7 or 8 players) like MOO2, one can have a lot of species in the game. Even 2 human factions, plus all the others, that can, I think go off on their own.
The patch is a beta patch, to see if anything else is wrong, and there are a couple minor things, but then, they are still working on it.
I would not want it the same as MOO 2, as that was grossly unbalanced for the average player.
Even in MOO 3, they are going to make it even for the human player, or try and even out all the species.
You couldn't play games on the Altair. It was the first computer, with only 9 switches and lights, and you had to program it yourself. Plus at that time the idea of using computers for ANYTHING, much less games, seemed ludacrous. Everyone thought of it as some crazy toy with no real use. Now look at it, the computer is everywhere, and you're using it as we speak. Or as I type and you read. The point is, while you could probably make a game on the Altair, you probably couldn't do much in it. Plus the graphics were terrible.
Originally posted by Tssha
You couldn't play games on the Altair. It was the first computer, with only 9 switches and lights, and you had to program it yourself. Plus at that time the idea of using computers for ANYTHING, much less games, seemed ludacrous. Everyone thought of it as some crazy toy with no real use. Now look at it, the computer is everywhere, and you're using it as we speak. Or as I type and you read. The point is, while you could probably make a game on the Altair, you probably couldn't do much in it. Plus the graphics were terrible.
By the year 2100 AD over half of the world population will be follower of Islam.