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Questions about the game

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  • Questions about the game

    The instruction book to this game, and the games encyclopedia sucks to no end! I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of the gardians, who or what they are; the ones in space and on the planets' surfaces. I have been able to aquire an Antaran X from one of them but the others I have no idea about. Also once in awhile I'll get a message that pops up saying that pirates have aquired some antaran ship or something, I'm trying to figure out what to do when that happens. What is the deal with the Antaran X expeditions? Where do the ships come from when you mount an expedition? And why do they fail so often? I also have a bunch of other questions, but I'll ask them another time. If anyone can shed some light on these topics, please do so. Also, if anyone has any other strategy ideas, or tips please share them too!

  • #2
    Whoa, so much questions, expeditions use to fail, try bigger ships in full fleets with research lab Special,Antaran X are get from Expedition , some times killing a guardian you get one, the message are about a Star killer, only rumors that cause some unrest try to keep one ship per planet at every system


    • #3
      Before the data patch, I noticed that the Guardians acted as sort of roadblocks. When I beat one, all the unalligned systems (ones with populations, but not owned by any of the other players) near me suddenly switched allegence to me. I believe that all the old MoO races home systems (Klackon, Darlock, etc.) are guarded by a Guardian.


      • #4
        remember to put science labs on ships for expeditions...



        • #5
          Originally posted by statusperfect
          remember to put science labs on ships for expeditions...

          I do put science labs on my recon ships; my big question, though, is how do I know what ships are being used to make Antaran expeditions. It seems I have no control over what ships go into an expedition, which makes me mad, 'cause I just know the studpid computer is using the least useful ships for an expedition, but the most needed for a military campaign (am I just paranoid?)! Is there a way to decide what ship goes into an expedition?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Arctic Fox

            I do put science labs on my recon ships; my big question, though, is how do I know what ships are being used to make Antaran expeditions. It seems I have no control over what ships go into an expedition, which makes me mad, 'cause I just know the studpid computer is using the least useful ships for an expedition, but the most needed for a military campaign (am I just paranoid?)! Is there a way to decide what ship goes into an expedition?

            the answer is NO

            ... maybe in a patch?



            • #7
              Indirectly, yes. Put all the ships you want to keep into task forces or disband them and they can't be picked by the computer for antarran expeditions. Fiddly but does the job.

              I've never had a maximum sized expedition with plenty of sensors and labs fail.
              To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


              • #8
                Alright, Thanks for all your advice! Hopefully the makers of this game will come out with a decent patch. The game's got good potential, but I think it still needs some work; needs to allow more hands-on features to game play, etc.


                • #9
                  From what I've read, Expeditions will always take ships with the science lab first.

                  Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tuberski
                    From what I've read, Expeditions will always take ships with the science lab first.

                    i thought that was supposed to be in a patch



                    • #11
                      They have always seemd to take mine....

                      But you are right, probably in the patch.

                      Don't try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!

