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Poll... O, I mean Pool!

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  • Poll... O, I mean Pool!

    Pick the week that MoO3's retail price will be less than that of MoO2!
    May 18th
    May 25th
    June 1st
    June 8th
    June 15th
    June 22nd
    June 29th

    The poll is expired.


  • #2
    All bow to Kahn, king of trolls!

    And I mean that in a most positive way, buddy
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Re: Poll... O, I mean Pool!

      Originally posted by Kahn
      Pick the week that MoO3's retail price will be less than that of MoO2!
      And you are a bit behind the times. In some places it has already occurred. Sigh. This reminds me that I haven't seen a good poll in this forum in quite a while.
      "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." -- JFK Inaugural, 1961
      "Extremism in the defense of liberty is not a vice." -- Barry Goldwater, 1964 GOP Nomination acceptance speech (not George W. Bush 40 years later...)
      2004 Presidential Candidate
      2008 Presidential Candidate (for what its worth)


      • #4
        The making of a troll.

        King of Trolls? Hardly!

        I don't take any offence at being labeled a troll (Who would have thought that anyone outside of CBH would have labeled me a troll on Apolyton!), but it's pretty sad when one who openly admits that they have yet to form an opinion with respect to game play of MoO3 can be labeled a troll.

        I could understand if only GeForce2 cards could not play the game without DX errors, or that {alt}{tab}ing, losing focus, too many saved games, etc. produced the DX errors. But when software being billed as a finished product can manage to take a extremely robust API (Bink) and manage to mangle the programming code to produce DX errors just by the mere act of passively watching the intro for more than 3 minutes; it gets me a little irritated. When I am told by some ignorant fanboy (along with 80 other people reporting the same thing) that this is nothing more than my imagination; well, I get really mad.

        Just because I’m not a mindless zombie who shuts up and tows the party line, or because I can read a code dump from a debugger pinpointing the error within the program, I earn the title “troll”. Fact is, my system, as well as all the others who listed their system’s specs on the IG board, all fall within the minimum “System Requirements” as laid out on outside of the box, as well as on page 13 of the manual! I feel that we consumers have the right to a logical explanation, or a patch that works, or a full refund, period!

        If you have to label me something, then I prefer to be know as “Leader of the ARF” (Atari Resistance Front).


        • #5
          I got my MoO3 copy for 14.99$ on ebay (i know thats 14.98 too much), MoO2 was 12 $...shoulda picked MoO2

