Could some one please explain to me what the manual patently does not!
When I create a military unit on a planet, does that contribute to the planet's defence in case it is invaded? (As one day it will surely be; I am sure the perfidious aliens are only waiting for the code patch to come out to strike!)
I have used the 'create ground force' screen to create marine and mobile divisions but then I cant find them listed anywhere! Where do they go? Are they still available for defence of the planet on which they were created?
I am concentrating on building up a navy for defence at the moment (something which the human side does not seem to be able to do for some reason at the rapid rate of every other race!) but at some point, if I create troop transports for, well, troop transports (I have temporarily marked troop transports as obsolete because that was all the planetary AIs likedto build!) will that be the time for the divisions I try to create to 'stick'?
In short, I have more or less worked out how to create naval formations but the method for creating armies completely baffles me! I could imagine much easier ways in which it could have been done (as it was in MOO2, dare I say?).
Please some galactic Napoleon advise me.
Live long and prosper.
When I create a military unit on a planet, does that contribute to the planet's defence in case it is invaded? (As one day it will surely be; I am sure the perfidious aliens are only waiting for the code patch to come out to strike!)
I have used the 'create ground force' screen to create marine and mobile divisions but then I cant find them listed anywhere! Where do they go? Are they still available for defence of the planet on which they were created?
I am concentrating on building up a navy for defence at the moment (something which the human side does not seem to be able to do for some reason at the rapid rate of every other race!) but at some point, if I create troop transports for, well, troop transports (I have temporarily marked troop transports as obsolete because that was all the planetary AIs likedto build!) will that be the time for the divisions I try to create to 'stick'?
In short, I have more or less worked out how to create naval formations but the method for creating armies completely baffles me! I could imagine much easier ways in which it could have been done (as it was in MOO2, dare I say?).
Please some galactic Napoleon advise me.
Live long and prosper.