Could someone tell me when I know that I own a sector? When I have the mini map "show sector ownership" button clicked, I see some light shading in the Altarians area of the galaxy. This shading takes up the entire sector block. I have no such shading in my region. When I click on the little report button at the top of the screen, right next to the menu button, I see several sectors (with Sol's sector included) outlined in blue. These sectors seem to correspond with ones that I either own systems in or have starbases in.
Now it seems that the lightly shaded sectors should show the ownership. However, it seems that the Altarians should not own their sectors if I (having an overwhelming amount of culture) do not. In fact, I am absolutely dominating every aspect of the game (playing on beginner to get the feel of it).
As well, a few related questions.
If I plunk a starbase down across the galaxy, does my total influence factor into the possibility of systems defecting to me, or does it go on a strictly sector-by-sector basis (ie: inflluence points generated per sector)?
Related, does a sector with a ton of influence (Sol's for instance) have any influence at a distance?
Can starbases flip?
I can attach a screenshot if it helps.
Now it seems that the lightly shaded sectors should show the ownership. However, it seems that the Altarians should not own their sectors if I (having an overwhelming amount of culture) do not. In fact, I am absolutely dominating every aspect of the game (playing on beginner to get the feel of it).
As well, a few related questions.
If I plunk a starbase down across the galaxy, does my total influence factor into the possibility of systems defecting to me, or does it go on a strictly sector-by-sector basis (ie: inflluence points generated per sector)?
Related, does a sector with a ton of influence (Sol's for instance) have any influence at a distance?
Can starbases flip?
I can attach a screenshot if it helps.