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Is "wasted resources" going to be fixed?

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  • Is "wasted resources" going to be fixed?

    This "wasted resource" thing is bugging me. Does anyone know if there is a fix in the works? I know there has been suggested fixes on the GCIV forum but I haven't seen any "official" response to this item. Is there one? I have read about people building constructors instead of letting the resource be wasted. Does anyone have any other ideas?

  • #2
    The issue of wasted production is generally on the social side, because you can always use more starbases

    I also like to have some extra freighters standing by right outside other planets in case something happens to one of my trade routes or I get a tech that allows more routes.

    On the social side, sometimes you just have to let it go to waste, as some improvements are too costly to be worth having unless you need them ( like anti-defection and morale stuff).

    One thing to note is that the wasted construction is by design.


    • #3
      I think there should be something like 'wealth', 'trade goods', etc. These could either (a) partially convert resources into wealth, (b) partially convert resources into morale, (c) produce additoinal propaganda for resistance.

      Or something.
      Or leave it like it is and let the human player adjust the slider depending on how many planets are lacking social projects.
      - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
      - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
      - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


      • #4
        While there is certainly a valid point to be had about "wasted" production, if you manage both the sliders and your tech properly it's generally not something that comes up much during the majority of the game. I really only have much wasted production at the very end of the game if I'm waiting for research to be done to win via technology; even there, I end up with research just taking up 80%+ of the production, so there isn't much going to waste.

        Three things that seem to help with the issue:

        1) Figure out which side needs more help and crank that up; I normally have research at around 45% throughout most of the game and divide the rest up depending on whether social or military needs more.

        2) Build constructors on most of your planets, all the time. Once you have basic defenses set up on your planets, most of them will not need to build more military units. I only have my top 5-6 planets (on a Huge map) cranking out actual military units, which are of course the places where I focus on building up multiple, fully packed starbases. Being able to crank out Dreadnoughts every 5 turns on each of 5 planets is better than having it spread out across a bunch of mediocre planets that can only turn out one every 30 turns.

        3) Plan your research so you have something useful to build on the social side. If you keep an eye on what techs are coming up where, you can generally keep various +economy or +production social projects ready to put up on your planets. Only the really large planets run out of social projects to build, and since those planets, with their high production, are the ones you want to have ready to build Galactic Achievements, there's usually something for everybody to do. The largest planets also have to build all the +starship social projects so that keeps them busy, since they're the ones building the military units.

        Idle hands are the devil's workshop, as they say. You just have to keep enough work around to give your people something to do!
        Last edited by Pyrkaige; April 18, 2003, 01:18.


        • #5
          There is a lengthy thread on this subject at Stardock's own site. I think they are looking for a way to deal with this issue.

