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  • Alliances

    Will a pure good civ ally with a pure evil civ? Just wanted to know as I am in a fight for my very life with the Altarans. The Drengins are also at war with the Altarans but I hope they do not declare war on me at this time. I might have to concede if they do so. There are only three galactic civs left, the Altarans, Drengins and me.

    Never knew that the Altarans were so powerful. Also having to defend my empire is a strategic nightmare. My civ is in an 'X' formation with the ends of the 'X' in the four corners in a gigantic galaxy.

  • #2
    You won't know until you ask the Drengin if they want to ally with you. But, I believe you have to already be at very friendly relations with a Civ before hand. Can't remember though.

    See if you can ally with one or the other and you'll win an alliance victory if you can both kill the remaining civ.


    • #3
      It's very unlikely that an evil race would ally with a good race; they rarely ally even with other evil races. If you're both fighting a common enemy, it should help your standing at least temporarily. You can certainly try by making sure you max out your trade routes to the Drengin and try to be nice enough to them that they like you. I doubt you'll even get to the Friendly setting, though, much less the Close that is necessary before you can try to set up an alliance.


      • #4
        The Altarans have allied with the Independent League. I didn't think that was possible. The Drengins relations with me are hostile. I don't know if they would declare war on me. But the chances are there. If that is the case, than I guess it would be a three-way conflict.

