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Omega Power Plant question

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  • Omega Power Plant question

    I have come across messages that said that one of the alien races has constructed an Omega Power Plant. What is it and what tech do you need to be able to construct one?

    Thank you.

    I have all the techs but I can't seem to find the structure to build for some reason.

  • #2
    It's an industrial tech (orange) and about midlevel because I can get it playing small galaxies. I'm not sure the specific tech you need to research. I think the tech tree is randomized so you may not get it every time. If you have a lot of techs, try trading the alien race for it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Harry Seldon
      It's an industrial tech (orange) and about midlevel because I can get it playing small galaxies. I'm not sure the specific tech you need to research. I think the tech tree is randomized so you may not get it every time. If you have a lot of techs, try trading the alien race for it.
      I have every single tech and I can't built it still. What's stranger is that nobody but me can build the Hyperion Manufacturing Center. I can't build the Omega Power Plant but they can. It's terrible.


      • #4
        That's terrible. I'd just let 'em build them then invade them when their manufacturing bubble gets big.

