In parallel:
-Beeline (in terms of research): Transports, Starbase Offense Support
Build: about 7 constructors and 7 starfighters and about 4 transports
Mass everything together.
Build a starbase in the sector of a nearby neigbor, especially if they have several good systems in one sector.
Pump the starbase with all as many offensive military upgrades.
Blow away the defending ships with your starfighters.
This is about as close as I have been able to get to an "archer-rush". In my latest game (relatively easy level, beginner I think?), this technique kicked ass. I set military to about 55% and research to 45%. The ships involved require little (transports none, so build them as soon as you can) upkeep. My starfighters were attacking at 12 against battleaxes. My guess is that it is really only effective on smaller maps. On big map, you have to consentrate on rexing to much to mess with a bunch of starfighters that you will never use again.
Why starfighters? They benefit the most from starbases, since the bonus is a fixed, non-linear increase. They are cheap, you can build them early, and they require little upkeep. You can leave them in the captured system where they continue to attack at 12 or so. Two or three of them can pound a battleship.
What makes it work? Starbases. Starbases are the number one best part of this game from a strategic point of view. They are EXTREMELY powerful. They can early in the game make a the lowliest unit really powerful. Think abotu a Civ III warrior that can suddenly attack like a tank in the late Ancient era. Now think about a lot of warriors that can attack like a tank. In fact, I wonder if you are better off just builidng a gob of starfighters and corvettes and a ton of starbases and forget the more powerful ships.
And on to my next a topic soon to be started: defending with scouts. Lots of scouts.
-Beeline (in terms of research): Transports, Starbase Offense Support
Build: about 7 constructors and 7 starfighters and about 4 transports
Mass everything together.
Build a starbase in the sector of a nearby neigbor, especially if they have several good systems in one sector.
Pump the starbase with all as many offensive military upgrades.
Blow away the defending ships with your starfighters.
This is about as close as I have been able to get to an "archer-rush". In my latest game (relatively easy level, beginner I think?), this technique kicked ass. I set military to about 55% and research to 45%. The ships involved require little (transports none, so build them as soon as you can) upkeep. My starfighters were attacking at 12 against battleaxes. My guess is that it is really only effective on smaller maps. On big map, you have to consentrate on rexing to much to mess with a bunch of starfighters that you will never use again.
Why starfighters? They benefit the most from starbases, since the bonus is a fixed, non-linear increase. They are cheap, you can build them early, and they require little upkeep. You can leave them in the captured system where they continue to attack at 12 or so. Two or three of them can pound a battleship.
What makes it work? Starbases. Starbases are the number one best part of this game from a strategic point of view. They are EXTREMELY powerful. They can early in the game make a the lowliest unit really powerful. Think abotu a Civ III warrior that can suddenly attack like a tank in the late Ancient era. Now think about a lot of warriors that can attack like a tank. In fact, I wonder if you are better off just builidng a gob of starfighters and corvettes and a ton of starbases and forget the more powerful ships.
And on to my next a topic soon to be started: defending with scouts. Lots of scouts.