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Anyone understand the game scoring?

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  • Anyone understand the game scoring?

    I dont get it, i see people getting 2000+ on large maps on beginner level. So i thought i would try it.

    I ended up with a pop of 550, i had been fighting wars all the game, and had 1000's of kills, i was far more advanced, so my loss/kill ratio was way in my favour, i wiped out every race and got a military lasted about 14 hours over 2 days..and yet i get a score of 500ish..i dont get how people are getting those 5000+ scores lol

  • #2
    Maybe it also depends on the time it took them?
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


    • #3
      From what I've heard, the scores go way up as the map gets bigger, because of more stars, more production, more military, etc.


      • #4
        I think it depends on how you win, too. I won by military conquest and scored around 200 on beginner. I reloaded (damned Metaverse) and beat the game again, with cultural this time, with a score of 500. I reloaded again (Metaverse!!!) and won cultural but it took longer this time and I got a score of 179. So I think speed and victory type also factor in.


        • #5
          Frankly, I'm really surprised that Brad ( Draginol, Frogboy or any other alias he uses ) or any other prominent Stardock developer didn't explain the scoring system: we need some kind of a clear FAQ about using Metaverse, for newbies, as well as a list of thingies needed/penalties for the scoring. Didn't find useful input so far on official sites; please show the links if there is. It's part of an otherwise excellent support.
          The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


          • #6
            My highest score was from a tech win, FWIW.
            Seemingly Benign
            Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


            • #7

              How many points you get on a game is dependent on these factories:

              1) Did you win?

              2) If you won, how did you win?

              3) How long did it take you to win?

              4) How many people were born into your civilization per sector?

              5) How much technology did you amass?

              6) What version of the game did you use?

              These six factors are combined together to generate your score and submitted to the Metaverse at"

              About how the factors are combined I haven't the foggiest.

              Also, I think "factories" may be a typo.


              • #8
                I also won by tech victory, and if you look at my metaverse score i won on the same settings but cultural conquest.

                Both games i had a pop of about 900B

                Both were on huge maps on normal and took about 7 hours each to win.

                In both games i took out one civ early, and another when i got Batteships, the rest i was subdueing while i went for tech vivtory or culture bombing.

                Yet the tech level win netted me 1700, and the culture win only 850ish.

                So im deciding that all things being equal, your tech level is VERY important.


                • #9
                  I think your final population is pretty important. I was playing on a large map with all AI's set to just subnormal. When I finished the game, I had a population of 1500 billion, and my score was 2500.

                  With a population at that level, my score was very, very close winning with either a cultural, alliance, military conquest or Tech victory. Generally, the tech victory is worth more because you will have a larger population if you wait that long to win. But if you have all but the final tech, then that last tech doesn't impact the score so much.


                  • #10
                    I had one tech victory where I had two trillion people by the end. Picked up something like 1400 points on Subnormal, but I forget the score exactly.
                    John Brown did nothing wrong.

