I am enjoying Galactic Civilizations. However, there is a minor annoyance. When I want to sell a tech to another race is there anyway to find out how much they are willing to pay? As it stands now, I'll offer a couple of techs for, say, 100 BC's per turn for 10 turns. If they accept, I move the slider up and try 12 turns. If they accept that, I bump it up a little more. This gets to be awfully annoying. I'm hoping I missed something in the manual and that there's a simple way to find out what they will pay. Can anyone help?
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Dactyl: Look at the text that constitutes your offer. It's in the center of the diplomacy screen, down to the bottom. You can guage the likelyhood of a favourable response to your offer by looking at the colour of that text. If it is yellow, you have to offer more to get what you want. If it is green, chances are, they'll accept your offer.
AsmodeanIm not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark
It seem to be fixed. As long as your relation remain the same, they will accept the same deal later on. What is needed is some indication to what the value of the tech and the type of tech. Alignment tech can yield higher value if traded to the related alignment players. Maybe you set the deal and have the advisor fix the amount for you. It is quite tedious indeed.
Originally posted by Asmodean
Dactyl: Look at the text that constitutes your offer. It's in the center of the diplomacy screen, down to the bottom. You can guage the likelyhood of a favourable response to your offer by looking at the colour of that text. If it is yellow, you have to offer more to get what you want. If it is green, chances are, they'll accept your offer.
AsmodeanTutto nel mondo è burla