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Help with ship list

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  • Help with ship list

    OkI am not afraid to expose my ignorancein regard to this game.

    Here is a picture of the ship list. what are the meanings of blue dots?
    Why does the listed colony ship not move out?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Let me see if it will fit as a jpeg.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Ok now can someone tell me where is this colony ship 210?
      I think scout 2 is on its way back to get refueled (I found it).
      Hero I know about.
      What do those numbers tell one? Lvl, I get, one set must be move points another HP ( likely 14/44/20/10)


      • #4
        Note, I am not a beta tester nor an owner of GalCiv, yet. So the followings are educated guesses made from reading GalCiv manual (on the website), as well as following the materials on GalCiv.

        Anyway, the numbers...
        "LvL: 0 0/ 1/ 10 s: 04,04"

        * "LvL: 0" is evidently Level.
        * "0/1/10" I believe is Attack/Defense/Movement in that order.
        * "S: 04,04" I believe referring to sector 04,04.

        The blue dots to the right, which forms an arrow is the move-to currently-looking-at-sector feature I believe.

        I.e., say you are looking at sector 03,03, and you found a nice juicy planet which you want you colony ship 210 to go to. Rather than hunt down the ship and issue the move order, you can, while still looking at sector 03,03, press the arrow next to colonyship 210, and it'll move to that sector.



        • #5
          Originally posted by Gateway103
          Note, I am not a beta tester nor an owner of GalCiv, yet. So the followings are educated guesses made from reading GalCiv manual (on the website), as well as following the materials on GalCiv.
          The manual doesn't help much, as it's only a slightly fleshed out version of the online manual. It has one sentance on this panel, and that sentance just confirms what you said about the arrow.

          Anyway, the numbers...
          "LvL: 0 0/ 1/ 10 s: 04,04"

          * "LvL: 0" is evidently Level.
          * "0/1/10" I believe is Attack/Defense/Movement in that order.
          * "S: 04,04" I believe referring to sector 04,04.

          The blue dots to the right, which forms an arrow is the move-to currently-looking-at-sector feature I believe.
          I believe you're right. I wish it showed moves remaining on that list somewhere.


          • #6
            I do not understand what is going on (that is for sure), for several turns I selected the CS form the list and tried to send it somewhere. It never moved or showed up.
            I started today and was able to see an icon in the HW that shows two ships in orbit. I selected the CS and clicked on a point nearby and the ship popped out of orbit.
            I still have not figured out if I must take action to load colonist into the ship or not.
            I still do not know how far a ship can travel and what tech will increase the range. I have had to send scouts back to the HW for resupply.
            I have run into msg saying the location I want to send the ship is out of reach?
            I read Yins report and wondered how long a time frame he was dealing with as it seems to me I am in no position to send out lots of CS as I have not found that many systems to colonize.


            • #7
              I have spent my first three game nights trying to build and launch a colony ship without success. On another thread the advice was to use the slider to set the total number of colonists aboard and then click the small Launch button to the lower right of the ship list. It is something to try. The ##/##/##/## is not explicitly explained in the manual or I just missed it. I love this game, what I can see of it. I wish the release documentation had been better.
              i · b · a = 3 · i · e ^ μ


              • #8
                I had problems with colonization, too. Try this: find the system you built the ship in and left-click it. Underneath the planet list for the system there is a stack ship list. One of the ships there is your colony ship; if you hover your mouse over each symbol it'll give you a ship description. Click the ship to highlight it then click the little ship-with-green-arrow icon in the upper right of the stack ship miniscreen. This will bring up the colonist screen. I always leave this as default. This will put your colony ship on the map. Right click the star you want to send it to. When the ship gets to the new system it will ask you to rename it. After it does this YOU HAVE TO PICK A PLANET FOR IT TO GO TO!!! It only took me about forty-five minutes to figure out why my colony ship wouldn't colonize the planet. The next turn your colony will be established.

                I hope that helped or at least partially addressed your question.


                • #9
                  So sending one to a system i not enough, I miss select a particular planet to colonize? Ok.
                  Do I have to manually load pop before I send it or will it fill on its own?
                  It looked like it was in the process of filling the ship andif so does it take any time or is it instantly done?
                  I have not spent much time as yet, so I will start over.


                  • #10
                    It will autofill an amount. You can go lower or higher depending on what you choose. Once you click ok on that screen the colony ship should immediately pop up next to your star. When you get to a system, it'll display a congrats and ask if you want to rename the system. After you choose, the box disappears, the star is highlighted, and the star map appears on the right-hand side of the screen. If you run your mouse over each planet, a tiny colony ship will appear next to it. Pick the one you want and click it. If you don't do it right, your ship will appear next to the star on the next turn. If you do it correctly, you'll get to choose production for your new planet.


                    • #11

                      did you take a look at the "survival guide"? You can launch it from the start menu where the game is.

                      I just browsed it , and it seems to repeat alot of what the manual says, but still adds a little more info here and there i think.

                      at least that 's what Brad says on the galciv forums.
                      While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                      • #12
                        Yeah I looked it over. Anyway I think I am finally getting the hang of it.
                        I just expected the ships list to display the movements, but it does not.
                        It is level/ att/def/ hp and sector location.
                        I got some trades going and tech swaps and slowly finding my way around.
                        I wish they had a PF key to scroll around the ships regardless of the movement left. The TAB is not much use as the ships have all moved.
                        SE had a nice scroll around the ships function. Even the Moo PF was useful.


                        • #13
                          My biggest gripe about the tab key (the find button does the same thing) is that if I hit it once and it takes me to a ship that I don't want to deal with yet, if I hit it again, it finds the same ship again.

                          I'm enjoying the game so far, and I'm not even close to playing on levels where the AI isn't handicapped. And to think that the only advantage the AI has over me is that it knows where the yellow stars are, it doesn't even know if there are good planets around them.


                          • #14
                            Yeah, I figure I may as well piddle around until I have an understand of how the game works. If I like it, I will have plenty of time to get up the difficulty levels.

