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  • #16
    Yes that (where is my new ship) got for a bit as well. I think the point that was made about many of the people having been involved all along and therefore knew the game, is true.
    The way to determine if a guide or a manual does what is needed is not to give it to knowledgable player, but to give it to people that do not have a clue. Now you will see what type of help may be needed for the masses.


    • #17
      I am the prime example of the computer game buyer that no developer really wants buying their game, being afflicted with Obtusity***, Moronity(tm), Stupidism(tm), and now I perceive I am one of the masses as well! Wow! I have a lot of company!

      Take stupidism for example. Having installed the program, I always started it with the desktop icon and never looked at the Program Menu entry where I would have found the excellent Survival Guide, which indeed helps a lot and seems to answer most of the questions I had at the beginning!


      *** Obtusity is a registered trademark of the Mitrosoft Corporation, all rights reserved.
      i · b · a = 3 · i · e ^ μ


      • #18
        I think it would be wise if they had made a very comprehensive pfd or HML doc with nic pictures and dat aon at least all of the things in the game.


        • #19

          check this link out:

          It was at the galciv site. Someone named javascout wrote it, and it is very comprehensive (if it is accurate).
          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


          • #20
            I had tried to look at this yesterday, but it did not want to come down. I guess the site was busy or slow.
            I expect to get back and check it out sooner or later.

            There are so many events and they are not dicumented. All the tech with no real idea about what exactly they do and why I should take one over the other.
            OYes most seem straight forwatd, but is +10 diplomacy better than +10 morale and under what conditions.
            So many improvements to starbases, but no list of them and again how to decide which one to go for and when?


            • #21
              It sure would be nice to have a civ3 type tree laid out. Say what you want about civ3, but there was never any confusion over techs, it was all laid out in your face.

              As it is now, in galciv, if i want the best warships, i just research the tech that SEEMS to lean in that direction and hope for the best...not the best way to go at it.

              From my experience with starbases, it doesn't seem as bad, since once a constructor gets to the base, all the upgrades are described along with any benefit (+10 morale etc...)

              As for when to choose a + 10 morale upgrade over a + 10 research upgrade, I thought it was pretty straightforward in that you choose the one for the area you are concerned with. Wanna have more success trading? choose the + 10 diplomacy upgrade. Approval rating slipping? take the + 10 morale upgrade.
              While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


              • #22
                Ok, I got the doc from JavaScout and it looks like an exact copy of the manual that came with the game.
                I thought they were working on an expanded one?


                • #23
                  They are, vmxa1, but the first step was to take the existing one and transfer it to a format that they could work with. The original manual was laid out in Quark Express, and noone (even at StarDock, it seems), has access to Quark Express.


                  • #24
                    well, i didn't even look at the manual on javascouts site. i was referring to the website in general. The way it describes everything.

                    He seems to have done what should have been done in the game, create hyperlink descriptions for the techs...
                    While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                    • #25
                      It would make the game a lot more attractive to new players (like me) if that sort of content were available inside the game itself. With Civ III you have the Civilopaedia. Ought to have a Galactopaedia or some such in Galciv.
                      i · b · a = 3 · i · e ^ μ


                      • #26
                        At least a help for things in the game. If you are looking to build a structure it is not always clear what the benefit is to add it. I could have used a right click to get details on things in the list of the planetary build queue.
                        Eventually one may come to know them well enough to not need that data, but not day 1.


                        • #27
                          did you notice the little question mark in the window that depicts each structure/ship in the planet build queue?

                          It gives more info on the item, a little...
                          While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.

