Now this is what I want in an enemy AI!
You can read it here
There should be a smiley for amazement.
The net result on gameplay was AI opponents that were extremely sophisticated. All of the dirty tricks people played on computer players traditionally could be looked for and countered because the AI had the time to look for them. For instance, a common human trick on computer players was to take ships and surround enemy ships and bases prior to launching a sneak attack. But in Galactic Civilizations, the AI could had the computing time to look for that and then assign stealth ships to surround the human player's ships. When the AI determined the human was about to attack and that it had enough ships to destroy the human fleet, it would launch its own preemptive attack and destroy the invading fleet. There was nothing particularly brilliant in the coding of the AI, merely that the design of GalCiv gave the AI the time it needed to have these kinds of features. And the AI was equally clever in creating diplomatic alliances and economic ties through trade. As a result, it almost seemed like a real player was playing against the human player.
There should be a smiley for amazement.