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Build queues?

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  • Build queues?

    Are there such? And if there isn't any what are we to do?
    Vitaly Belman
    ICQ: 1912453

  • #2
    There are build queues through the use of Planetary "Governors". You tell them exactly what you want them to build and in what order and they follow it exactly.


    • #3
      How is that really a governor, as opposed to any ordinary build queue? Will the governor, if not given a specific assignment, be able to act on his own to build needed things?
      Tutto nel mondo è burla


      • #4
        From what I read governot is just sortof a saved queue. He can't make decisions on his own.
        Vitaly Belman
        ICQ: 1912453


        • #5
          So there won't be a build queue unless you use govenors? That sounds pretty annoying. Is this just in the beta, or does the final release have a chance of having a real build queue?
          "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


          • #6
            Chaotik, how would that not be a real build queue?
            Tutto nel mondo è burla


            • #7
              Well how exactly would it work? I'm assuming their not called govenors just for the fun. Do you have to set a queue up for a govenor then assign him to a planet? Do all planets have a govenor thats just masquerading as the build queue or what? If its just called a Govenor and it behaves as a build queue for each individual planet thats fine, but why call it a govenor then?
              "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


              • #8
                Ok, from what I can gather, the governors are indeed saved queues that one can plop down on a new planet. I have no idea if you can give an individual planet its own queue, but I can't imagine you couldn't. That seems like far too obvious an oversight on the designers' part.
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • #9
                  Ah, so govenors will just be saved queues you can assign. Thats fine by me. I agree it'd be too odd for them to not have regular planet queus, even the "dreaded" MoO3 has those.
                  "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                  • #10
                    There are build queues through the use of Planetary "Governors". You tell them exactly what you want them to build and in what order and they follow it exactly.
                    That's right, according to the User Manual.


                    Governors are there to reduce micromanagement. Very often in strategy games the game is fun early on when you are just building up your empire. But during the later parts of the game, the micro management just sucks all the fun out.

                    Governors are designed to let you control your planets on a macro level. There is no artificial intelligence, you remain in complete control. The difference is that your orders are now carried about in groups rather than one planet at a time.

                    When you click on the Details view on a planet, you can choose a governor. The name of the governor is meaningless in itself. What matters is what you have assigned those governors to do from this screen.

                    On the Governor Management screen you select a governor and then tell that governor what he is to do. You can direct him to build your social projects in a specific order. Any planet with that governor will then automatically build social projects in the given order.

                    Similarly, on military projects you can tell every planet that has that governor to build a particular ship at once.
                    Maybe you have to/are able to assign whichever governor you want to each planet.

                    One possibly good idea is rush-building:

                    When you build a ship or a social project, the amount of time in months is displayed. However, you can instantly build something by contracting it out to one of the 4 major human sub-contractors. These sub-contractors will build it for X up front plus Y per month for Z months. Depending on your current financial situation, different choices will be appropriate at different times.


                    • #11
                      Maybe you have to/are able to assign whichever governor you want to each planet.
                      For all intents and purposes the governor is a build queue with a human face. Just adds a little "life" to the system.

