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What interests me about Galciv

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  • What interests me about Galciv

    I am very interested in GalCiv for the following reasons:

    1) How the AI operates. The fact that each AI was coded separately, combined with varies game concepts will make, if not impossible, except on the easiest levels possibly. This requires more thought than just "build tons of Dreadoughts" to secure your victory every time. It means you still have to consider all facets of the game even when going for one type on victory. One has to consider so many things. Who is Good or Evil? What Resources do me/my opponents have? etc. At this points this statement comes mostly from comments by others since I do not have the game. But it seems more geared towards actually strategy which varies from game to game.

    2) The United Planets. The ability to change the rules of the game by voting is very creative. It also makes influence more challenging than "give you all my tech" As a whole there is not much question that the UP in GalCiv functions better that the UN in Civ3.

    3) Tech Tree. The ability to make "different histories" is nice. Better than knowing every game I will research the same thing.

    I am sure I could think of others...
    Citizen of the Apolyton team in the ISDG
    Currently known as Senor Rubris in the PTW DG team

  • #2
    Re: What interests me about Galciv

    A few comments.

    1. Tons of Dreadnaughts works fine for victory. A couple of Terror Stars work better (although they are expensive). While the AI is more subtle and varied than most game, enough brute force can still beat it. The trick is getting go the position of enough brute force. The AI has a real good handle on how much force you and it actually have. And Good is more likely to ally with Good and vice versa (but I was playing Pure Good and allied with the Drengin last game, circumstances, you know).

    2. The United Planets works well. In fact, it is very similar to the equivalent in MOO3 or SMAC. Actually, I got a vote that came up "Give everyone your all your tech" one game.

    To compare it to the UN in Civ3 is an unfair comparison. That's like comparing pineapples and hand grenades. Except for similar names they do not have the same function in the game at all. The UN in Civ3 is a way to end the game quickly when you know its a foregone conclusion (and you've been acting honorably). In Civ3, pretty much the point of everything in the Modern Era is to end the game within a few turns for any of the victory conditions, not to stretch out the game. In this game, it is to add variety (and to increase your lead when you've got the votes).

    3. Except for a handful of techs that you will only get if you are Good or Evil the tech tree seemed to be the same every game I played. I'm pretty sure that you can trade for the Evil techs if you are Good and vice versa.

    I don't mean to rain on your parade. This game is good, real good. The AI plays better than in most games. It's given me a run for my money.
    Seemingly Benign
    Download Watercolor Terrain - New Conquests Watercolor Terrain


    • #3
      Re: Re: What interests me about Galciv

      Originally posted by WarpStorm
      The AI plays better than in most games. It's given me a run for my money.
      And don´t forget that they have promised to keep improving the ai *for one full year*, improvements being based on the strategies of the best players.

      If they make good on that promise, I´ll praise them till the cows come home.
      Last edited by Comrade Tribune; March 9, 2003, 10:54.
      Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

      Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


      • #4
        just look at the "random events ideas here" thread over at


        • #5
          With regards to tech, anyone can add their own tech and submit them to

          In the \data directory you can find .tech files.

          Just load up notepad, add a tech, save it as and it automatically is in the game and used by the AI.

          Pre-order users are submitting tons of tech ideas for evil (not nearly as many for good -- which is kind of interesting if you think about it) that can easily be put together.

          If anyone is familiar with Space Empires IV, you get an idea of the level of modification you can make to GalCiv. Ships, improvements, techs, events, etc. All plain text, PCX graphic files, TARGA strips, etc.

          It was one of the reasons we didn't do a 3D engine.


          • #6
            Re: What interests me about Galciv

            Originally posted by CiverDan
            I am very interested in GalCiv for the following reasons:

            2) The United Planets. The ability to change the rules of the game by voting is very creative. It also makes influence more challenging than "give you all my tech" As a whole there is not much question that the UP in GalCiv functions better that the UN in Civ3.
            This has to be what interests me the most. The wide range of propositions you can vote for just seem very cool and lead to a rapidly different game each time.
            A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
            -V. I. Lenin

