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Regarding dynamic civilizations

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  • #16
    No Brad, he ALSO wants to select a different portrait!!! SHEESH!


    • #17
      Different ship sprites, an already balanced set of pre-set variables, and a different portrait.

      I find having such lends more atmosphere and character to the game. And it enhances the role-play value of playing. Some may think finding role-play value in a TBS game absurd. In that case, I would recommend you have a look at SMAC's fiction forum.

      Its little things like different ship sprites that make a game fun. Otherwise, why not scrap all graphics, and just have an abstract text format? Don't bother personalising the different races you come across, just have Civilization A, Civilization B, Civilization C, etc.

      I just think its only natural that when you have cool alien races in such games, that it would be nice to play as them. Maybe the rich plot line will be superior to having a watered down one and the ability to play various races. I guess I shall have to wait and see.
      Last edited by Bkeela; March 8, 2003, 01:57.
      Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


      • #18
        GalCiv's not exactly light on the role playing aspects. I mean you can take the path of good or evil after all.

        You can name your star systems. You can name your individual ships. You can name yourself, your civilization.

        Ultimately, what you are talking are pre-set variables that you're missing out on. I really think you should wait until at least the demo is out before making such a determination.

        In GalCiv, I can, for instance, call myself "The Corporate Imperium" and put my ability points into trade, diplomacy and technology.

        When you set up your civilization, it's like creating a character.

        Yet you find more role playing value in something that hard codes pretty much those variables? Where you can't name your ships or stars?

        Sure, you're the humans, but that has to do with the plot oints in the game. You get to decide which path to take the human race.

        It would be like saying that Balrur's Gate is limited because you can't play a robot. There's lots of customization in the way you build your civilization at the start along with how you guide humanity through your actions throughout the game. Heck, the actual game graphics change based on whether you go towards good or evil.

        I'd argue that GalCiv has more role playing aspects to it than virtually any 4X game ever made.


        • #19
          Sorry, I up-dated my post before I saw your reply.

          I shall be definitely dowloading the demo when it becomes available.
          Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

