Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that the 1.95 update for Twilight of the Arnor was released.
This is just a partial list of what has been updated, you can see the rest at the link.
This is just a partial list of what has been updated, you can see the rest at the link.

+ NEW: Improved Starport improvement graphics
+ NEW: Zoom to Mouse cursor option
+ NEW: Added ship components for Disruptors IV and Photonic Torpedo III techs
+ NEW: Removed a duplicate entry in the StarbaseModules.xml file. Also added some starbase modules with "Mining" and "ProductionAssist" abilities to compensate the races that do not have the factory line of techs in their tech trees (Iconians, Thalans, Korath, Yor). And I didn't just blindly add these, I made a spread sheet of all the starbase modules that each race has access to and filled in a few of the holes with new modules the best way I saw fit. They are tied to race-specific techs, so no other races will inadvertently be affected.
+ NEW: Clicking on Race Logos on the Civ Manager>Timeline>Legend screen will toggle them on/off in the timeline
+ NEW: Optional realtime clock on the main screen
+ NEW: Clicking on the 'Date' will toggle between current Turn and Date display ('Dec 22, 2943' > 'Turn# 123' )
+ TWEAK: Remove Terror Star techs from Iconians in the final TA mission (otherwise this mission is WAYYYY too easy)
+ TWEAK: Legend screen only lists the races you know
+ NEW: Zoom to Mouse cursor option
+ NEW: Added ship components for Disruptors IV and Photonic Torpedo III techs
+ NEW: Removed a duplicate entry in the StarbaseModules.xml file. Also added some starbase modules with "Mining" and "ProductionAssist" abilities to compensate the races that do not have the factory line of techs in their tech trees (Iconians, Thalans, Korath, Yor). And I didn't just blindly add these, I made a spread sheet of all the starbase modules that each race has access to and filled in a few of the holes with new modules the best way I saw fit. They are tied to race-specific techs, so no other races will inadvertently be affected.
+ NEW: Clicking on Race Logos on the Civ Manager>Timeline>Legend screen will toggle them on/off in the timeline
+ NEW: Optional realtime clock on the main screen
+ NEW: Clicking on the 'Date' will toggle between current Turn and Date display ('Dec 22, 2943' > 'Turn# 123' )
+ TWEAK: Remove Terror Star techs from Iconians in the final TA mission (otherwise this mission is WAYYYY too easy)
+ TWEAK: Legend screen only lists the races you know