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First game report

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  • First game report

    Ok so played my first game. Small map, common habitable planets. and I made a few mistakes. First I bought three colony ships at the start of the game thinking I would find a lot of habitable planets. Nope. With that many civs the only habitable planets were the ones around where each group started. I think one race was lucky enough to find an uninhabited sector in the center of the galaxy with a habitable planet but they were the only ones.

    Are there numbers (based on map size) for how many habitable planets exist based on settings? I was really expecting more than I found.

    Lesson here make sure to build scouts first.

    Second since I bought them rather than building them I went into debt, didn't think much of it thought I could come out of it later. Well by the time I reach -500 I still loose money even if I put the tax rate up to 100% (at every other one I lost money still to so the fact that raising it caused some of them to hide money didn't change anything).

    Lesson make sure you don't go into debt more than you can handle!

    I was also interested to see not all my ships could move everywhere around the galaxy. Need to focus on that more.

    In a second game I was offered a trade of Space millitarization for turbo phasers, not sure I understand how this is possible. Looking at the tech tree don't you need space millitarization for turbo phasers?

    2. In a new game I was the technologists with out anything built yet on my planets I set my millitary to 34%, social to 31% and Research to 34%
    My spend rate was 72 my tax rate 33 and I had 100% morale on earth. Spending was 5 millitary 4 social and 5 research. Net income was -4

    I then changed it to millitary 36%, social 30%, and left research the same. Now it was Millitary 4bc, social 4bc and research 5bc and my net income was -3. Ok I am now exactly is this possible. I don't have anything built so the funding bonuses shouldn't come into play. Thankfully because I don't understand that at all.

    Which guide explains the economic system in the easiest way for a non-economist to understand? My training is in chemistry.
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