I realize the answers will be highly subjective, but that's fine since I'm only looking for subjective answers
Thusfar all my TBS experience has been limited to the Sid Maier stuff and it's spawn/spinoffs: Civ II, SMAC, CTP 1 (hated it), Civ III (bleh), and Civ IV (yay!). I've heard a lot of good stuff about Galciv II, especially since the later patches, and now even more since DA has been released. So now I've taken the plunge and gotten the Gold edition of Galciv II. I've only just played around with the starting options and looking at the first couple of turns in both DL and DA ( a LOT to learn
). Anyway the purist in me is saying: first play DL at least once through before doing DA; but then it sounds like a lot of the improvements in DA aren't limited to additional features (e.g. AI improvements), so the perfectionist in me is saying just start right off with DA.
I know it's not an earth-shattering dilemma
, but I'd be curious to hear any thoughts or opinions...

Thusfar all my TBS experience has been limited to the Sid Maier stuff and it's spawn/spinoffs: Civ II, SMAC, CTP 1 (hated it), Civ III (bleh), and Civ IV (yay!). I've heard a lot of good stuff about Galciv II, especially since the later patches, and now even more since DA has been released. So now I've taken the plunge and gotten the Gold edition of Galciv II. I've only just played around with the starting options and looking at the first couple of turns in both DL and DA ( a LOT to learn

I know it's not an earth-shattering dilemma
