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Technoweenie question – Macromedia Flash and ActiveX

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  • Technoweenie question – Macromedia Flash and ActiveX

    The G4 video in the ‘Coronal Tigh says 5/5’ thread causes an error pop up message to appear on my PC: Macromedia Flash Player 6, the script in this movie is causing Macromedia Flash 6 to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort this script? Yes/no.

    When I press Yes the problem goes away. If I press No then the PC locks and, as warned, is unresponsive. This occurred every time I saw the G4 item in the thread, and also in the home directory at the GalCiv2 web site.

    I tried to update Flash at the Adobe web site (now called Adobe Flash 9). This failed for no reason I can determine. Then I uninstalled with a special tool (apparently you can’t uninstall using a standard Windows tool – which I don’t like). Now I no longer get the warning popup, and the G4 image is only an icon.

    So, a few questions:

    1. Do I need Flash? Have I just lobotomized something useful on my PC?
    2. What about ActiveX. I did note that Flash requires full authorization to ActiveX, and from what little I know this is pretty intrusive and I should only give rights if I am sure it’s a good idea.
    3. Might there be another reason why Flash 9 doesn’t load? Or that my PC is blocking implementation? I run Norton, which does lots of work on the side (and is a resource hog) that I’m not aware of – and, frankly, I generally don’t want to know.

    I consider myself a ‘user’ only and have no high level computer knowledge. Any enlightenment would be appreciated!


    P.S. - in what could be a boon, all the Apolyton banner adds no longer appear!! Now they are only an icon. Apparently they run on Flash, too.

  • #2
    I'm not sure what is causing that error, but it's working fine in Firefox. Even on the G4 website the videos won't play in IE.

